204.1 - Meetings of the School Board

The regular meeting time and dates will be set by the board at the organizational meeting in odd-numbered years or at the annual meeting in even-numbered years.

Board meetings are normally scheduled for the second and fourth Mondays of the month when the school calendar allows. The board will adhere to the established meeting dates unless the additional meetings are required or, due to circumstances beyond the board’s control, the meetings cannot be held on the regular meeting dates and the meetings will then be rescheduled in accordance with law and policy. Public notice of the meetings will be given, and board meeting dates and times will be posted on the district website upon board approval.

Meetings of the board are conducted for the purpose of carrying out the business of the school district. Only board members have the authority to make and second motions and vote on issues before the board. The board may establish rules for its own governance and determine the procedures that will be followed during board meetings. Meetings may be closed to the public to allow the board to discuss a specific topic as defined by law (Refer to Policy 204.3).

Public notice will be given for meetings and work sessions held by the board. Public notice will indicate the time, place, date, and tentative agenda of board meetings. The public notice will be posted on public display on an exterior facing door/window so that the community members may see the agenda when the building is physically closed at the Learning Resource Center (2999 N 10th St, Marion) at least three days before it is scheduled but, at the minimum, 24-hour notice needs to be given. A copy of the public notice, either electronic or print, will be provided to those who have filed a request for notice with the board secretary. A copy of the public notice will also be accessible electronically.

In the case of special meetings, public notice will be given in the same manner as for a regular meeting unless it is an emergency meeting. In that case, public notice of the meeting will be given as soon as practical and possible in light of the situation. The media and others who have requested notice will be notified of the emergency meeting electronically. Attendance at a special meeting or emergency meeting by the media or board members will constitute a waiver of notice.

It is the responsibility of the board secretary [or designee] to give public notice of board meetings and work sessions. The district’s website is used to inform the public of future meetings and agendas.

Adopted: 9/85
Reviewed: 10/11; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 8/23
Related Policy: 204.2-8; 204.16
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21.2-4; 279.1-2
IASB Reference: 210.05