401.11-R - Regulations Regarding Tutoring

Student participation must be voluntary. Inclusion on a team, performance group, production, game, match, etc., cannot be contingent on participation in or utilization of the service.


  1. Employees may offer services to enhance student skills only if they are compensated by the school district as employees of the district and the services are delivered outside of the employee’s contracted and/or assigned workday and stipend responsibilities.
  2. Employees may offer services [such as tutoring, lessons, or personal training] to enhance student skills to students not enrolled in their classes, teams or groups, or attending Linn-Mar Schools.
  3. Clinics, camps, workshops, or activities for the purpose of skill development and enrichment experiences are permitted provided the following steps are completed:
    1. District fundraising form is completed and approved;
    2. District facility reservation form is completed and approved; and
    3. District activity/event form, including a schedule, is completed and approved.


  1. Linn-Mar employees may not provide tutoring, lessons, personal coaching, and the like to a student currently enrolled in their classes, listed on their class rosters, or directly under their supervision.
  2. Linn-Mar employees may not sell any products, equipment, or supplies to students or parents for personal advantage.


  1. It is the employee’s responsibility to comply with board policies and regulations.
  2. If found to be in non-compliance with board policies and/or regulations, the employee will be notified of non-compliance and disciplinary consequences.
  3. Failure to comply following notification will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination and a notification to the Board of Educational Examiners.

Adopted: 3/11
Reviewed: 12/11; 4/13; 9/14; 12/16; 4/20; 4/23
Related Policy: 401; 401.11