603.12-E1 - Parent/Guardian Internet Access Student Permissions

Your student has access to electronic communication known as the Internet. The vast domain of information contained within Internet libraries can provide unlimited opportunities to students.

Students may be permitted to use a school electronic mail (email) address to send and receive email at school under teacher supervision. Students will be expected to abide by the following network etiquette:

  1. The use of the network is a privilege and may be taken away for violation of board policy or regulations. As a user of the Internet, students may be allowed access to other networks. Each network may have its own set of policies and procedures. Students will abide by the policies and procedures of these other networks.
  2. Students will respect all copyright and license agreements.
  3. Students will cite all quotes, references, and sources.
  4. Students will only remain on the system long enough to get needed information.
  5. Students will apply the same privacy, ethical, and educational considerations utilized in other forms of communication.
  6. Whenever accessing electronic mail, students should adhere to the following guidelines:
    • Others may be able to read or access the email, so private messages should not be sent;
    • Delete unwanted messages immediately;
    • Use of objectionable language is prohibited, including explicit or inferred harassing or bullying language;
    • Always sign messages; and
    • Always acknowledge receipt of a document or file.
  7. Students accessing data services that have a cost involved will be responsible for payment of the cost.
  8. Students will use district-provided computer equipment appropriately and for its intended use.

Parent/guardian permission are submitted annually via the PowerSchool eRegistration process. For questions or issues with accessing PowerSchool, please contact your student’s attendance center.

Adopted: 7/03
Reviewed: 11/09; 7/11; 4/18; 2/24
Revised: 11/07; 9/12; 10/13; 2/15; 6/21
Related Policy: 603.12; 603.12-R1-R2
IASB Reference: 605.06-E(1)