105.1 Procedures for Charging/Investigating Allegations of Injury/Abuse of Student by School Employee

Linn-Mar school employees will not cause injury or commit acts of physical or sexual abuse including inappropriate and intentional sexual behavior toward students. The definition of employees for the purpose of this policy includes not only those who work for pay, but also those who are volunteers of the school district under the direction and control of the school district. Disciplinary actions up to and including discharge will be taken against any school employee who commits such acts.

Prompt investigative action will be taken in response to allegations of injury or abuse of students by school employees. Any complaint or allegation will be handled with as much confidentiality as possible. When requested, all employees will assist in the investigation, provide information, and keep confidentiality regarding the report and investigation.

The school district will appoint a Level I investigator and an alternate Level I investigator and will arrange for or contract with a trained, experienced professional to serve as the Level II investigator. The Level I investigator and alternate will be provided training in conducting an investigation, at the expense of the school district. The names of the investigators will be listed in the student handbook, published annually in the local newspaper, and posted in all school facilities. (Refer to Policy 105.1-E)

Linn-Mar Community School District Level I Investigators:

  • Karla Christian, Chief Officer of Human Resources, Equity Coordinator,
    Title IX Coordinator, and Affirmative Action Coordinator
  • Nathan Wear, Associate Superintendent and Equity Coordinator (Secondary Level)
  • Bob Read, Associate Superintendent and Equity Coordinator (Elementary Level)
  • Melissa Frick, Executive Director of Student Services and Special Education/Student Services Equity Coordinator

Address: 2999 N 10th Street, Marion IA 52302
Fax: 319-377-9252

Adopted: 5/90
Reviewed: 3/11; 12/11; 4/13; 3/23
Revised: 2/10; 9/14; 3/17; 11/18; 6/20; 10/23
Related Policy: 105.-E1; 401.1; 401.15; 401.15-R; 403.30; 403.39;; 505.5; 505.5-R; 505.52; 505.52-R
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 232.67, .70, .73, .75; 235A; 272A; 280.17; 709; 728.12(1)
281 IAC 12.3(6), 102; 103; 441 IAC 155; 175
IASB Reference: 402.03

105.1-E Student Injury/Abuse by School Employee Reporting Form


Please complete the following as fully as possible. If you need assistance, contact the district's Level I investigators as listed. 

Student's Name and Address:
Student's Telephone Number:
Student's School:

Name and place of employment of school employee accused of injuring/abusing the student:

Allegation is of:  ______ Physical Abuse     _____ Sexual Abuse**

**Parents of children who are in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade and whose children are the alleged victims of or witnesses to sexual abuse have the right to see and hear any interviews of their children in the investigation. Please indicate "yes" if the parent/guardian wishes to exercise this right:

_____ Yes     _____ No     Telephone Number: _________________________________

Please describe what happened (Include date, time, and where the incident took place if known. If physical abuse is alleged, also state the nature of the student's injury. Attach an additional sheet, if needed):

Were there any witnesses to the incident or are there students or persons who may have information about the incident? _____ Yes     _____ No

If yes, please list by name (if known) or classification: (Example: third grade class, fourth period geometry class)

Complainant's Signature:
Complainant's Relationship to Student:

Please return this completed, signed form to the Level I Investigators:

  • Karla Christian, Chief Officer of Human Resources, Equity Coordinator,
    Title IX Coordinator, and Affirmative Action Coordinator
  •  Nathan Wear, Associate Superintendent and Equity Coordinator (Secondary Level)
  • ​Bob Read, Associate Superintendent and Equity Coordinator (Elementary Level)
  • Melissa Frick, Executive Director of Student Services and Special Education/Student Services Equity Coordinator

Address: 2999 N 10th Street, Marion IA 52302
Fax: 319-377-9252

Related Policy : 105.1
Reviewed 9/14; 3/17; 3/23
Revised: 6/20; 10/23