The district believes in the importance of providing a safe and enriching learning environment possible for its students. The district uses digital recording devices on district property including transportation vehicles to help protect the safety of district students, employees, and community members; and to safeguard district property which is funded using public resources. Additionally, district-generated recordings of students engaging in the district's educational and extracurricular programs can be essential to engage positively with the district community and promote the value of public education.
In order to balance privacy and safety interests, no recording devices will be utilized on district property where individuals maintain a reasonable expectation of privacy. These areas include but are not limited to the school nurse's office, restrooms, locker rooms, changing areas, lactation spaces, and employee break areas.
Recordings of students have the potential to be considered education records. Any recordings will be maintained and accessed in compliance with the requirements of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the district's policy on student records policy.
Recordings will be digitally maintained and stored for an appropriate amount of time to maintain the safety of the educational environment and to safeguard district property, after which they will be destroyed. The superintendent [or designee] will establish any necessary regulations related to the secure storage, maintenance, viewing, and destruction of digital recordings.
The use of non-district owned recording devices on district property and at district events will be regulated. Students, parents, and community members will not be permitted to take recordings of other students or employees during school hours unless the recording is authorized in advance by building administration. Students and employees found to violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary measures consistent with board policy and applicable student and employee handbooks. This policy will not be construed or enforced in a way that infringes on employee activity otherwise protected by law.
It is important to foster a community spirit and sense of unity within the district. However, the district acknowledges that not every student or staff member feels comfortable or safe being recorded. At district-sponsored extracurricular events and activities, the use of non-district owned recording devices by the public may be monitored by administration if a concern is made known to district administration by a student, employee, or parent. Any individuals determined to be making recordings considered bothersome to students or staff may be asked to stop or destroy their recording and may be asked to leave the event.
Adopted: 9/21
Reviewed: 7/22
Related Policy: 505.6; 1004.2-R
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 279.8; 20 USC 1232
IASB Reference: 804.06
The board supports the use of recording devices on district property as a means to monitor and maintain a safe environment for students and employees. District property includes district-owned land, buildings, vehicles, buses, and any other property as needed. The contents of the recordings may be used as evidence in a student or employee disciplinary proceeding. Determination of how recording devices will be used will be made by the superintendent in consultation with the building principals and the transportation manager.
The content of the recordings are considered confidential student records and are subject to federal and state law, board policy, and administrative regulations regarding confidential student records. Generally, recordings that do not capture any specific incident are not considered student records or personnel records and may be disclosed as a public record upon request. Only those persons with a legal basis or legitimate educational purpose may view the recordings. In most instances, individuals with a legitimate educational purpose may be the superintendent, building principal, classroom teacher, transportation director, bus driver, human resources director, technology services, and special education staffing team. A parent may inspect, review, or be informed of the content of the recording without consent from any student or parent of a minor student also shown in the recording, whether the student is a bystander to an incident or directly involved. The district may, but is not obligated by law to provide a copy of a recording to a parent or student upon request.
A recording during a school-sponsored trip, such as an athletic event, may also be accessible to the sponsor or coach of the activity. If the content of the recording becomes the subject of a student disciplinary proceeding, it will be treated like other evidence in the proceeding.
The district will annually provide the following notice to students, employees, and parents:
The Linn-Mar Community School District Board of Directors has authorized the use of recording devices on district-owned property. The recording devices will be used to enhance safety and security within the educational environment. Students, employees, and parents are hereby notified that the content of the recordings may be used in student or employee disciplinary proceedings. The content of the recordings may be considered confidential student records and will be retained with other student records. Recordings will only be retained if necessary for use in student or employee disciplinary proceedings or other matters as determined necessary by the administration. Parents may request to view the recording of their child.
The following notice will also be placed on all school transportation equipped with recording devices: This vehicle is equipped with a recording/audio monitoring system.
The district will review recordings, when necessary, as a result of an incident reported by an employee or student. The recordings may be recirculated for erasure after 7 days. Recordings by the Technology Services department regarding building security are recirculated for erasure after 15 days.
If not public records, the viewing of recordings is limited to individuals having a legitimate educational purpose. A written log, as appropriate, may be kept of those individuals viewing the recordings that stating the time, name of individual viewing, and the date the recording was viewed.
Students are prohibited from tampering with recording devices on district property. Students found in violation of this regulation will be disciplined in accordance with the district discipline policy and good conduct rule and will reimburse the school district for any repairs or replacement necessary as a result of the tampering.
EMPLOYEE CONDUCT: District-generated recordings may be used as evidence in employee disciplinary matters, as appropriate. Employees are prohibited from tampering with recording devices on district property. Employees found to be in violation of this regulation will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the employee handbook and relevant board policies.
Adopted: 11/93
Reviewed: 9/11; 10/12; 4/15; 11/18
Revised: 11/13; 9/21; 7/22
Related Policy: 1004.2
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): § 279.8
IASB Reference: 804.06-R(1)