The district recognizes the importance of providing healthy learning environments for students, employees, and community members in district buildings. The district will take appropriate measures as required by law to assess radon levels in attendance centers and provide for mitigation or other measures where appropriate.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the chief financial/operating officer, to create administrative regulations necessary to carry out this policy.
Adopted: 10/22
Related Policy: 902.2-R
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 280.32; HF2412
IASB Reference: 804.07
The district will create, and the board will approve, a plan to assess levels of radon gas present in district attendance centers.
Funding for any costs related to radon testing or mitigation will be paid for from the state school foundation aid received by the district or from revenues received from the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education fund (SAVE).
Each district attendance center will undergo a short-term test for the presence of radon gas at least once by July 1, 2027. Short-term test means a test using a device that remains in an area for two to seven days to determine the amount of radon in the air. Repeated short-term testing will occur every five years following the date of the first test.
Radon testing will be performed by an individual who is certified to conduct the required testing pursuant to Iowa Code Section 136B.1 or by district employees who have completed a school radon testing training program approved by the Iowa Department of Education and the Iowa Department of Health & Human Services.
If the results of any short-term tests at the attendance centers are at or above four picocuries per liter, the district will conduct a second short-term test in spaces with elevated levels within 60 days of the first test. If the averaged test results of the first and second tests are at or above four picocuries per liter, the district will retain an individual credentialed to develop a radon mitigation plan.
The radon mitigation plan may include, but not be limited to, further diagnostic testing, corrective measures, and active mitigation strategies. The radon mitigation plan will be completed within two years of the first short-term test unless the district plans to abandon or renovate the attendance center within five years and renovation includes radon mitigation.
All new construction within the district will include radon-resistant construction techniques.
Adopted: 10/22
Revised: 4/23
Related Policy: 902.2
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 280.32; HF2412
IASB Reference: 804.07-R1