204.7 - Board Meeting Agenda

The tentative agenda for each board meeting will state the topics for discussion and action. The agenda is part of the public notice of the board meeting and will be posted and distributed.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent and board president to develop the agenda for each board meeting. Any board member may place an item on the next regular agenda with the consent of a majority of the board. Board members wishing to do so should provide notice to the superintendent and board president at least 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting.

Individuals wishing to place an item on the agenda can make a request to the superintendent or board president, prior to the drafting of the tentative agenda, who will decide whether to place the item on the agenda and, if so, the appropriate meeting date. The person making the request must state their name, address, purpose of the presentation, action desired, and pertinent background information. Requests from the public may be added to the tentative agenda at the discretion of the superintendent after consultation with the board president. Requests received after the deadline for processing the agenda may only be added to the agenda for good cause.

Individuals may also submit a valid petition to the board secretary to request a public hearing on a specific topic. Refer to Policy 204.9 Public Participation in Board Meetings for additional information on petitions to place a topic on the board agenda via a public hearing.

The tentative agenda and supporting documents will be sent to board members at least two days prior to the scheduled board meeting. These documents are the private property of the board member.

The board will take action only on items listed on the tentative agenda posted with the public notice. Items added to the agenda after the statutorily required 24-hour notice may be discussed or taken under advisement by the board. If an added item is acted upon, the minutes of the board meeting will state the reason justifying immediate action. The board will exercise this discretionary authority with great care.

Board action voted on from a previous agenda item cannot be brought forward for a second vote unless the following parameters are met:

  1. There is proof of a significant change of facts or addition of vital information not included in the discussion or motion of the first vote;
  2. The proposed change must meet a clearly demonstrated, mission-related need;
  3. The proposed change must address the impact on students, other programs, courses, services, staffing, and/or projects; and
  4. The proposed change survives a cost-benefit analysis as per the timeline of execution and any changes to the motion of the initial vote.

Any additional information related to the addition of the second vote on a subsequent board agenda must be distributed in a timely manner by the superintendent through the board secretary with the agenda for the meeting, at which consideration of a second vote will be reviewed.

In order for a more efficient administration of board meetings, the board may elect to use a consent agenda for the passage of items under the management of the superintendent, board president, and board secretary. By using a consent agenda, the board has consented to the consideration of certain items as a group under one resolution. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of a board member.

Public hearings may be held on school district matters at the discretion of the board. Public notice of a public hearing will be in the same manner as for a board meeting except that notice will be given at least 10 days before the hearing is to be held; unless it is impossible or impractical to do so or the law requires otherwise.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 10/11; 4/13; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 1/12; 8/14; 9/21; 1/22
Related Policy: 204.1; 204.4; 204.9
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21; 279.8
IASB Reference: 210.08; 210.08-E(1)-E(2)