402 - Classified Personnel

402.1 - Definition of Classified Personnel

Classified personnel are employees who are not administrators or employees in positions which require an Iowa Department of Education teaching license and who are employed to fulfill the duties listed on their job description on a monthly or hourly basis.

The term “classified personnel” includes but is not limited to the following employees whether full-time or part-time:

  • Custodial and maintenance employees;
  • Secretarial and clerical employees;
  • Nutrition Services employees;
  • Bus drivers;
  • Paraprofessionals; and
  • Educational assistants.

Written job specifications and job descriptions will be established by administration for all positions that require classified personnel.

To qualify for full-time employment an employee must work a minimum of 30 hours per week. There are two classifications of full-time, classified personnel.

  1. Full-time 12-month employees; and
  2. Full-time 9-, 10-, or 11-month employees

For benefits eligibility refer to district employee addendums or benefit summaries of non-union personnel.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 12/11; 4/13; 4/20
Revised: 9/14; 12/16; 4/23
Related Policy: Series 402
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 20; 279.8
IASB Reference: 411.01

402.2 - Assignment and Transfer of Classified Personnel

Assignment of classified personnel is based upon the qualifications of the employee and the philosophy and needs of the school district.

Changes in assignment may be made at the initiative of the superintendent [or other supervisory staff members] or may be considered at the request of the employee. All changes in employment will be made with full knowledge of the employee.

Procedures governing employee transfers will be in accordance with current district employee addendums.

Adopted: 6/85
Reviewed: 12/11; 4/13; 12/16; 4/20
Revised: 1/11; 9/14; 4/23
Related Policy: Series 402
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 20; 20.9; 35C; 216; 279.8; 294.1
IASB Reference: 411.05-06
Mandatory Policy

402.3 - Evaluation of Classified Personnel

The superintendent [or designee] is responsible for the continuous evaluation of the classified personnel of the district. Evaluations will link specific goals to those of the district, building, or department.

Evaluations measure, monitor, and manage job performance as well as:

  1. Assist with employment related decisions;
  2. Provide an opportunity for dialogue to encourage two-way discussion and collaboration; and
  3. Serve as a development and career planning tool.

Supervisors of classified personnel will submit evaluations for classified personnel to the superintendent [or designee] in such a manner and at such times as may be determined by the school board and the superintendent.

This policy supports and does not preclude ongoing informal evaluation of the skills, abilities, and competence of classified personnel.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 12/11; 4/13; 12/16; 4/20; 4/23
Revised: 9/14
Related Policy: Series 402
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 20.9; 279.14; 281 IAC 12.3(3)
IASB Reference: 411.07

402.4 - Classified Personnel Resignation

Classified personnel and exempt employees without a Chapter 279 contract (licensed personnel) are employed on an at-will basis.

Classified personnel may resign their employment at any time and for any reason and the school board retains that same right. A written resignation signed by the classified employee will be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor who will direct the resignation with recommendations to the superintendent [or designee]. The superintendent will then inform the school board.

Procedures governing employee resignations must be in accordance with the requirements of existing collective bargaining agreements.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 12/11; 4/13; 12/16; 4/20; 4/23
Revised: 9/14
Related Policy: Series 402
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): 91A.2-3, .5; 279.19A; 285.5(9)
IASB Reference: 413.01

402.5 - Dismissal/Suspension of Classified Personnel

The superintendent [or designee] has the authority to suspend or dismiss the services of any classified personnel. Due process procedures will be followed.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent [or designee] to make a recommendation for dismissal to the school board.

Classified personnel may be dismissed for any reason including but not limited to incompetence, willful neglect of duty, reduction in workforce, willful violation of school board policy and/or administrative regulations, or violation of the law.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 12/11; 4/13; 9/14; 4/20; 4/23
Revised: 5/01; 12/16
Related Policy: Series 402
Legal Reference: 20.7, .24
IASB Reference: 413.03-04

402.6 - Reduction in Workforce of Classified Personnel

The number of classified personnel may be reduced due to budgetary considerations or other good reasons as determined by the school board or their designee. The board’s decision will be final.

Reduction will be accomplished through normal staff attrition, unless the best interests of the school district dictate otherwise. When reductions beyond normal staff attrition are made classified personnel will receive a 10-day written notice of termination.

Any reduction in workforce procedure contained in an employment agreement and/or district employee addendum will be honored by the school board; however, such a procedure in no way diminishes the board’s executive powers, duties, and rights to hire, promote, demote, transfer, assign, and retain public employees.

Adopted: 6/85
Reviewed: 12/11; 4/13; 12/16; 4/20
Revised: 9/14; 4/23
Related Policy: Series 402
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 20.7, .24
IASB Reference: 413.05

402.8 - Classified Personnel Absence Without Pay

When all available and applicable paid leave of absence has been depleted, absence without pay may be authorized by the superintendent [or designee] for purposes considered urgent and necessary. For such absences, district attendance procedures will be utilized.

To apply for such leave, classified personnel will make written application to the superintendent [or designee] for such authorization at least 10 days in advance of the occurrence or, if advance application is not possible, not later than 10 days after the occurrence. 

An unpaid, involuntary absence may be excused by the superintendent [or designee]. The employee will make immediate application to the superintendent [or designee] to request such absence.

Other absences than those herein provided for, or failure to follow district policy and/or attendance procedures, may be deemed to be neglect of duty and may be sufficient grounds for dismissal.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 1/11; 12/11; 3/13; 9/14; 12/16; 4/20; 4/23
Revised: 4/13

402.9 - Classified Personnel Relations to Students and Public

In general, classified personnel should assume no authority with students except in the following situations:

  1. A bus driver is in full charge of the bus so students shall obey the driver promptly. The bus driver is required to report each case of misconduct to the Transportation Manager.
  2. Certain associates and secretaries are designated to deal with students in attendance and related matters.
  3. In the absence of an administrator and when teachers are not present, the custodian has responsibility for the security and care of physical facilities.
  4. When no licensed personnel are immediately present, classified personnel are expected to act in the best interest of the district and its patrons with regard to student/public behavior or building/property.
  5. Direct supervision of students may be assigned by the building administrator.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 12/11; 4/13; 9/14; 12/16; 4/20; 4/23
Revised: 1/06

402.10 - Classified Personnel Workweek, Wage, and Overtime Compensation/Compensatory Time

The district workweek begins on Saturday and ends on Friday. Regular work hours during the school year are determined by the needs of the district and will be designated by the responsible administrator. Administrators will document regular employee work hours. Arrangements that deviate from regular work hours for more than two weeks will be documented prior to the arrangement commencing. The standard workday for classified hourly personnel is up to eight hours, of which all employees are expected to work in full. The standard workweek for classified hourly personnel is up to 40 hours, as determined by administration.

Time worked includes all time that an employee is required to be physically at work. Time worked is used to determine overtime pay and/or compensatory time required for classified personnel. Classified personnel will not be permitted to perform work away from the premises, job site, or at home unless approved in advance by the superintendent [or designee]. The district does not count approved paid leave or uninterrupted lunch periods as time worked unless expressly permitted in a collective bargaining agreement.

Each non-exempt employee compensated on an hour-by-hour basis [whether full-time or part-time, permanent or temporary] will be paid no less than the prevailing minimum wage. Whenever a non-exempt hourly employee must work more than 40 hours in a given work week, the employee is compensated at one-and-one-half times their regular hourly wage rate in excess of 40 hours. This compensation is in the form of overtime pay or compensatory time. Overtime will not be permitted without prior documented authorization of the direct supervisor. Compensatory time will not be allowed unless documented and permitted in a collective bargaining agreement.

Each non-exempt employee paid on an hour-by-hour basis must submit a daily record showing the actual number of hours worked. Failure of the employee to maintain or falsification of a daily time record will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Adopted: 3/06
Reviewed: 1/11; 12/11; 4/13; 9/14; 12/16; 4/20; 4/23
Revised: 2/10
Related Policy: Series 402
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 20.1, .4, .7, .9; 279.8
IASB Reference: 412.01-02

402.10-E - Classified Personnel Overtime/Unscheduled Hours Approval Form

Click here to download the Classified Hours Approval Form

This form is to be used to document all overtime or time worked over scheduled hours for classified personnel. Overages may only be approved for reasons relating to building safety and security or for district-required meetings. The supervisor must approve overtime prior to the beginning of the overtime work, except in cases of extenuating circumstances. The supervisor will keep a copy of the completed form in their files and forward the original to Human Resources office.

Name of Employee:
Dates of Overtime Worked:
Number of Hours:

Reason for overtime/unscheduled hours:

Overtime/time over schedule is:   _____ Approved       _____ Not Approved

Supervisor's Signature:

Employee's Signature:

Adopted: 3/06
Reviewed: 12/11; 4/13; 9/14; 12/16; 4/20; 4/23
Revised: 2/10; 1/11
Related Policy: 402.10

402.11 - Education Assistants

The board may employ education assistants or other instructional support personnel to assist licensed personnel in non-teaching duties including but not limited to:

  • Managing and maintaining records, materials, and equipment;
  • Attending to the physical needs of students; and
  • Performing other limited services to support teaching duties when such duties are determined and directed by the teacher.

Education assistants [certified or non-certified] who hold a teaching certificate are compensated at the rate of pay established for the position as an education assistant.

It is the responsibility of the principal [or designee] to supervise education assistants.

Adopted: 3/06
Reviewed: 12/11; 4/13; 9/14; 12/16; 4/20; 4/23
Related Policy: Series 402
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 279.8; 280.3, .14; 281 IAC 12.4(9); .5(9)
IASB Reference: 410.04

402.12 - Licensed Equipment Operators

In order to provide a safe working environment, equipment operators should be properly trained and licensed.

All equipment operators must be 18 years of age and have a valid driver’s license. Operators are subject to any required regular testing or licensing requirements by the state or per district procedures. These procedures may include physical, instructional, or visual testing as well as a drug screen.

Any unsafe actions by a licensed equipment operator will lead to corrective action up to and including termination.

Any employees choosing to operate motorized equipment without proper training, license, and the consent of their supervisors will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination.

Adopted: 2/09
Reviewed: 3/11; 12/11; 4/13; 9/14; 12/16; 4/20; 4/23