Rules and standards are necessary to protect the health and safety of students, staff, and the community. Through rules, standards, and expectations the district provides students, staff, and the community an awareness of the dignity and worth of the individual, civic responsibility, and respect for authority; as well as a safe and secure environment for optimal working and learning.
Employees are role models for the students who come in contact with them before, during, and after school hours. If an employee’s conduct could reasonably be expected to have an adverse effect on the employee’s continuing ability to perform any of their professional functions in an effective manner, discipline up to and including termination may be exercised even if the conduct occurred outside school hours.
Employee Relations: It is the district’s expectation that employees maintain a professional working environment that encourages mutual respect and promotes civil and congenial professional relationships among staff, students, and the public.
The district prohibits employees from intentionally harming or threatening to harm other employees, students, the public, or property belonging to any of these parties. This prohibition includes but is not limited to intentional acts such as verbally abusing others; using intimidation tactics and making threats; sabotaging another’s work; making malicious, false, and harmful statements about others; publicly disclosing another’s private information; or using electronic devices for harassment, bullying, or any other behavior that is discourteous, disrespectful or demeaning.
District employees are expected to exercise good judgment and discretion when using social networking and blogging venues such as Facebook, X, etc. Content that is published on such blogs is public (for students, parents, community, and administration to view) and the employee is ultimately responsible for their posts.
Appearance: The board expects employees to conduct themselves in a professional manner appropriate to the educational environment and, as such, employees will be well groomed and dress in attire appropriate for their position. Clothing should be neat, clean, and free from inappropriate graphics. Discretion and common sense call for an avoidance of extremes which would interfere with or have a detrimental effect on the educational process. In addition, employees are expected to follow appropriate cleanliness practices as needed for the specific job assignment.
Employee Expectations/Conduct: It will be the general procedure of the Linn-Mar Community School District to administer progressive discipline to employees who violate federal or state laws and/or regulations, board policies, administrative regulations and/or rules, or exhibit unsatisfactory behavior or misconduct. Employees should refer to specific job descriptions for a full list of required standards, knowledge, skills, abilities, and expectations.
Discipline Process: Violations of this policy are subject to progressive disciplinary action up to and including termination. The following list includes but is not limited to the items which are deemed as infractions which given sufficient reason and evidence may result in discipline ranging from minor to major actions:
While the following progressive discipline process is used as a general guideline when administering discipline for minor infractions, the seriousness of each individual infraction will determine which level of discipline is administered up to and including termination. The district reserves the right to skip any level, as deemed appropriate.
Whenever an employee has been involved in a disciplinary situation that has not been readily resolved or when the employee has demonstrated an inability to perform assigned work responsibilities efficiently, the direct supervisor in consultation with the Human Resources office may place the employee on a performance improvement plan. This status will last for a pre-determined amount of time, not to exceed 90 calendar days. Within this time period the employee must demonstrate a willingness and ability to meet and maintain the conduct and/or work requirements as specified by the supervisor and the district. At the end of the performance improvement period the employee will either be returned to regular employee status or, if established goals are not met, termination may occur. Because of FLSA requirements, exempt employees will not be suspended without pay for less than a week.
Absenteeism and Tardiness: Unscheduled, unexcused absences due to injury or illness, even when following appropriate guidelines, may still be deemed excessive. Discipline for otherwise unexcused tardiness and absenteeism is generally applied per district procedures.
Certified Staff: Licensed employees of the school district, including administrators, will follow the code of ethics for their profession as established by the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners.
Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 12/11; 9/14; 8/17; 6/20
Revised: 3/11; 4/13; 4/23
Related Policy: 403.35
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 279.8; 282 IAC 13.25-26
IASB Reference: 404