Good student conduct contributes to safety. It helps to avoid accidents which may result from the distraction of the driver. It also reduces the number of accidents in which students injure themselves or others.
The following outline represents the standards and procedures relative to student conduct while riding on school vehicles. Violations of these standards will be reported to the transportation manager and the building principal.
- All students should conscientiously observe all rules and respond respectfully and promptly to the driver’s instructions.
- The driver or adult rider are responsible for the vehicle and deportment of the riders. They have the authority to assign seats or refuse transportation to violators of the following regulations:
- Waiting at Designated Loading Zones:
- Students are requested to stand at least 10 feet from the roadway unless specifically directed otherwise.
- Students are requested to be at their vehicle loading zone five minutes before their published schedule. The school vehicle must not be kept waiting. Safety standards must be practiced while students are waiting.
- Students who have to walk some distance along the roadway to a vehicle loading zone must walk on the left-hand side facing oncoming traffic. This will also apply to students leaving the vehicle loading zone after school.
- Students who must cross a roadway to reach their vehicle loading zone should wait until the school vehicle has arrived before crossing the roadway.
- Receiving and Discharging Students:
- All able-bodied students will board and exit from the right, front entrance of every school vehicle and, if said students must cross the roadway, they will be required to pass in front of the vehicle, look in both directions, and proceed to cross the roadway only on signal from the driver.
The above sections will not apply to business and residence districts but will apply in suburban districts of cities and towns.
- Boarding School Vehicles:
- Students are not permitted to move toward the vehicle at the loading zone until the vehicle has been brought to a complete stop.
- Students should not push prior to loading the vehicle.
- Students must board the vehicle in a single file.
- Students are required to go directly to their seats and not block the aisle. Students must follow the driver’s or adult rider’s instructions as to seating arrangements.
- Conduct While Riding School Vehicles:
- Students should sit facing forward in school vehicles.
- Students riding school vehicles are permitted to converse quietly with others seated near them. Boisterous talk and actions will not be permitted. Singing, whistling, yelling, and loud noises are not permitted on the vehicle.
- Students are to be absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing.
- Students are not permitted to stand, change seats, or annoy other students during the ride to/from school. Fighting or scuffling is not permitted.
- Student use of cell phones is expected to be appropriate, respectful, non-disruptive, and legal. Students should use earbuds when listening to various media on their cell phones. Students should not use any type of photographic feature on their cell phones while on school transportation.
- Eating, lighting matches, or the use of any contraband materials is not permitted on school vehicles. The use or possession of alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, or look-alike substances is prohibited.
- Students must, under no circumstances, put their hands or arms out of the windows.
- Throwing objects in the vehicle is not permitted and students will not throw anything out the windows.
- Musical instruments or large parcels should be left with the driver or adult rider, if they so request. Students must keep books and personal belongings out of the aisle.
- Students who damage seats or other equipment will reimburse the district for the cost of the repair or replacement.
- Students should not be rude or abusive to the driver or adult rider and/or persons whom they pass on the route.
- The instructions of the driver and/or adult rider will be obeyed at all times. Disrespect of the driver or adult rider will not be tolerated.
- In case of a road emergency, students are to remain in the vehicle unless directed otherwise by the driver and/or adult rider.
- When Leaving School Vehicles:
- Students are required to remain in their seats until the vehicle has made a complete stop.
- Students should not remain in the area where vehicles are unloading.
- The driver and/or adult rider will not discharge students at places other than regular stops at the home or at school buildings without proper written authorization from the parent or school official.
Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 10/12; 4/15; 11/18; 9/21
Revised: 9/11; 11/13; 2/24
Related Policy: 701.2; 701.3-11
IASB Reference: 711.02-R(1)