701.11 - Transportation in Inclement Weather and Emergency Situations

The superintendent [or designee] will have the authority to close schools, to delay the start of schools, or to dismiss schools ahead of the regular schedule because of extreme weather or other emergency conditions for the length of time the emergency exists.

School district vehicles will not operate when weather conditions due to fog, rain, snow, or other natural elements make it unsafe to do so. Because weather conditions may vary around the district and may change quickly, the best judgment possible will be used with the information available.

Conditions other than weather could warrant an emergency situation. Each situation will be evaluated separately and handled with the best judgment possible keeping in mind the safety of students and staff.

The final judgment as to when conditions are unsafe to operate the schools will be made by the superintendent. The superintendent will be assisted by the actual “on location” decisions and reports of the transportation manager.

Parents, students, and drivers will be notified by various media outlets including electronic methods when school is cancelled or temporarily delayed. When school is cancelled because of weather anywhere in the district, all schools will be closed. If it is necessary to close an individual building due to an emergency situation, the decision will be clearly communicated by various media outlets including electronic notification.

When weather conditions deteriorate during the day after school has begun, cancellation notices will be announced by various media outlets including electronic notification. Students will be returned to their regular drop-off sites unless weather conditions prevent it. If students are taken to drop-off sites other than their regular drop-off sites or are to be picked up at other than their regular pick-up points, this will be communicated by the driver (on the two-way radio) to the base station in order to be relayed to the parents of the affected students. If no parent contact can be made, students will be kept at school until they are picked up by their parents.

When weather or road conditions dictate unsafe, non-hard surface roads, a hard surface routing will be initiated. This will be communicated by various media outlets including electronic notification.

Adopted: 11/96
Reviewed: 9/11; 10/12; 11/13; 4/15; 11/18; 9/21; 2/24
Revised: 10/10
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): § 279.8
IASB Reference: 711.08
Mandatory Policy