803.6 - Approval and Payment for Goods and Services

The board authorizes the issuance of warrants and ACH transfer of funds for payment of claims against the district for goods and services. The board will allow the warrants after the goods and services have been received and accepted in compliance with board policy.

Each payment must be made payable to the person entitled to receive the money. The board authorizes the board secretary/treasurer, upon approval of the superintendent, to issue payments when the board is not in session for payment of reasonable and necessary expenses but only upon verified bills filed with the board secretary/treasurer and for the payment of salaries pursuant to the terms of a written contract. Each payment must be made payable only to the person (business, corporation, or other qualified entity) performing the service or presenting the verified bill and must state the purpose for which the payment is issued.

All bills and salaries for which payments are issued prior to audit and allowance by the board must be approved by the board at the next board meeting and be entered in the regular minutes by the board secretary.

The board president and board secretary/treasurer may sign warrants by use of a signature plate.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 10/12; 5/15; 12/18
Revised: 7/10; 12/13; 1/22
Related Policy: 803.1; 803.2; 803.4; 803.7
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 279.8, .29, .30, .36; 291.12; 721.2(5)
IASB Reference: 705.03