901.4 - Facilities Planning Advisors

It shall be the policy of the board, upon the recommendation of the superintendent, to contract for the services of consultants and other resource personnel for the study of facility issues of the district. To the extent possible, the needs for such special studies shall be determined well in advance so that budgetary provisions can be made.

In determining consulting needs such as architect or architectural firms, construction management, engineering, appropriate facilities professional, etc., an interview process may be used which may include members of the board, the superintendent, and other personnel designated by them. The board may participate in interviews for the selection of an appropriate facilities professional for the specific project under consideration.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 11/12; 1/14; 2/19; 4/22
Revised: 5/15
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 280.3, .14; 297
IASB Reference: 801.02