902.7 - Emergency Repairs

When emergency repairs in excess of the state limit are necessary to ensure the safety of students and staff and to prevent the closing of any school, the provisions of the law with reference to advertising for bids shall not apply.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent [or designee] to obtain certification from the area education agency administrator stating such repairs that are in excess of the state limit were necessary to prevent the closing of school.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent and chief financial/operating officer to notify the board as soon as possible considering the circumstances of the emergency.

When an emergency arises in the maintenance and operation of any district property directly affecting the learning environment and/or safety and welfare of personnel and students, the following action shall supersede the official maintenance schedule:

  1. The superintendent [and designee] shall be notified;
  2. Taking necessary safety precautions, any staff member will do everything in their power to correct the emergency as need dictates; and
  3. If unable to correct and/or control the emergency, staff members will report emergency situations to local emergency agencies and/or maintenance staff, immediately.

Adopted: 6/09
Reviewed: 5/15; 2/19
Revised: 11/12; 1/14; 4/22
Related Policy: 901.9
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 26.3; 280.3, .14; 297.8
IASB Reference: 802.03