1001.1 - Board and Community Relations

The board recognizes the right of the public to information concerning all of its actions and policies and details of its educational and business operations. The board encourages study, discussion, and active participation by all concerned in the promotion of the best possible program of education in the community. It is the practice of the board to seek the advice and assistance of all interested individuals and groups in meeting its educational and financial goals.

The board may, from time to time, appoint citizen advisory committees to study matters pertaining to the educational issues of the  district.

  1. Such committees will deal with specific issues as identified by the board;
  2. Citizen advisory committees appointed by the board are subject to the open meetings law;
  3. The term of the committee will be at the discretion of the board;
  4. The sole function of the committee will be to advise the board on matters for which the committee was convened; and
  5. Progress on the activities and goals of citizen advisory committees, as defined by the board at the outset, will be reported to the board on a regular basis.

The superintendent [or designee] may convene administrative committees to review or develop recommendations on issues, practices, programs, or initiatives affecting the educational or operational practices of the district.

  1. Committee membership and duration of the committee’s service will be determined by the superintendent [or designee];
  2. The board will receive updates on administrative committee work at least annually for a standing committee, and periodically for a task-driven committee; and
  3. Recommendations made by administrative committees to the board are for advisory purposes only.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations for board-appointed citizen advisory committees and administrative committees, as appropriate.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 3/13; 6/15; 7/19; 7/22
Revised: 4/14