1003.3 - Public Complaints

The board recognizes that situations may arise in the operation of the school district which are of concern to parents and other members of the school district community. While constructive criticism is welcomed, the board desires to support its employees and their actions to free them from unnecessary, spiteful, or negative criticism and complaints that do not offer advice for improvement or change.

The board firmly believes concerns should be resolved at the lowest organizational level by those individuals closest to the concern. Whenever a complaint or concern is brought to the attention of the board it will be referred to the administration to be resolved. It will first be the responsibility of the building administrators to resolve questions and problems raised by the employees and/or the students they supervise or by other members of the school district community.

Prior to contacting the board, the following should be completed:

  1. Matters should first be addressed to the employee the individual has a complaint or concern about.
  2. Unsettled matters from item #1 listed above, or problems and questions about individual attendance centers, should be addressed to the employee’s direct supervisor or the building administrator.
  3. Unsettled matters from item #2 listed above, or problems and questions concerning the school district, should be directed to the superintendent.
  4. If a matter cannot be settled satisfactorily by the superintendent, it may then be brought to the board for consideration.

If there is no resolution or a plan for resolution by the superintendent within 10 school days of the individual’s discussion with the superintendent; the individual may ask to have the question or problem placed on the board agenda by submitting a request in writing to the board secretary. Refer to policies 204.7 and 204.9 for additional information on requesting items be placed on the board agenda.

It is within the discretion of the board whether to address complaints from members of the school district community. The board will only address complaints that are in writing, signed by the party submitting them, and comply with this policy. The board is not obligated to address a complaint and may defer to the decision of the superintendent. If the board elects to address a complaint, their decision will be final. If the board elects not to address a complaint, the decision of the superintendent will be final.

Per State of Iowa House File 868 and Iowa Code 256.9(63), members of the school district community who have concerns about the district or the school board may refer to the Linn-Mar Student Handbook for additional guidance from the Iowa Department of Education or directly to the Iowa Department of Education website at: https://educateiowa.gov/pk-12/parent-guardian-and-community-concerns.

Adopted: 5/97
Reviewed: 1/11; 12/11; 4/13; 9/14; 8/17
Revised: 1/06; 9/19; 6/20; 9/21; 7/22
Related Policy: 204.7; 204.9; 502.12
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): § 279.8; 256.9(63)
IASB Reference: 213.01