The board encourages the use of community resources and citizens to assist in furthering the educational program of the school system. One of the greatest resources available may be found in the citizens of the community who have special knowledge and particular talents to contribute to the educational program. The board may allow volunteers to serve the schools on a regular basis.
Recruitment, training, utilization, and the maintenance of records for the purposes of insurance coverage and/or recognition of district volunteers is the responsibility of the Community Services Coordinator.
Volunteers within the district are held to the same high standards of behavior as school employees and will be subject to background checks prior to interacting with the students in a volunteer capacity. Volunteers, when in contact with students, are required to serve in public areas of the school. It is the responsibility of the superintendent [or designee] to create regulations necessary to carry out this policy.
Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 3/13; 4/14; 6/15; 7/19
Revised: 10/08; 7/22
Related Policy: 1003.4-R
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): § 279.8; 670
IASB Reference: 903.02
Mandatory Policy
The board recognizes the important contributions that volunteers provide in assisting educational programs of the school system. For consistency, equity, and safety the following regulations shall frame the integration of volunteers and community resources within the Linn-Mar schools:
To become an active volunteer for the district the following items must be completed prior to volunteering:
For information on the district’s volunteer program contact:
Angela Burke, Community Services Coordinator
319-447-3110 /
Adopted: 10/08
Reviewed: 3/13; 6/15
Revised: 4/14; 7/19; 7/22
Related Policy 1003.4