1003.4-R - Regulations Regarding District Volunteers

The board recognizes the important contributions that volunteers provide in assisting educational programs of the school system. For consistency, equity, and safety the following regulations shall frame the integration of volunteers and community resources within the Linn-Mar schools:

  1. Community members volunteering their time will follow employee guidelines in regard to conduct and appearance as described in Policy 403.21. As a role model for students, the board expects appropriate dress, conduct, and respect to maintain an atmosphere that enhances the student educational processes;
  2. Community members serving as school Volunteer Coordinators are provided access to district email accounts and will not use the information for profit or personal/professional gain and will not share the information without prior consent of the superintendent [or designee]. The purpose of this access is to provide continuity for the volunteer program as volunteers assume and/or leave the position of school Volunteer Coordinator; and
  3. Information about students and staff that is obtained while visiting district schools or through volunteer responsibilities will remain confidential.

To become an active volunteer for the district the following items must be completed prior to volunteering:

  1. Submit a volunteer application and volunteer disclosure statement;
  2. Background screening performed by the Community Services office;
  3. Photo taken by the Community Services office;
  4. In-person meeting with the Community Services Coordinator; and
  5. Once approved, the submission of a volunteer disclosure statement on an annual basis.

For information on the district’s volunteer program contact:
Angela Burke, Community Services Coordinator
319-447-3110 / angela.burke@Linnmar.k12.ia.us

Adopted: 10/08
Reviewed: 3/13; 6/15
Revised: 4/14; 7/19; 7/22
Related Policy 1003.4