1005 - Community Activites Involving Students

1005.1 - Research Requests and Procedures

It is the policy of The Linn-Mar Community School District to encourage and participate in evidence-based or empirical research and experimentation opportunities or projects for the development and improvement of day-to-day educational practices, or to contribute to the body of research for the field of education.

Requests for research projects from agencies or individuals outside the district, or from staff members within the district, should be submitted to the superintendent [or designee]. Permission or denial to conduct such studies will be granted by the superintendent [or designee]. In exercising this discretion, the school board encourages the superintendent [or designee] to inquire into and examine the motivations of the researcher performing the study to ensure that the study furthers legitimate educational research. The superintendent [or designee] is therefore authorized to review prior research by the potential researcher and conduct any review of the credentials of said researcher deemed necessary to assist in this determination. An application in writing for research approval is to be made at least 60 days prior to the requested date for initiating the study. Approval granted by the superintendent [or designee] is conditional pending the advice and input of the building principal responsible for the students and/or records proposed to be part of the research. The superintendent [or designee] retains the right to rescind the conditional approval at any time.

The following criteria will be used in considering each request:

  1. The privacy and dignity of all individuals (i.e., students, teachers, principals, parents, etc.) must be assured in any study. The research respects the privacy, informed consent, and due process rights of all participants. Procedures for maintaining the confidentiality of all participants are required. The district requires each researcher to obtain appropriate informed consent from all participants. Informing researchers of the ethical and legal requirements for obtaining informed consent of participants in action research is the responsibility of the cooperating college or university.
  2. Each project must comply with federal and state laws. The study must not be detrimental, either physically or psychologically, to any of the participants. The proposal must contain full disclosure of the treatment to which the participants will be subjected. Approval of parents/guardians of students under the age of 18 and/or of students 18 or older is necessary when required by federal or state law.
  3. In any research project that originates outside the district, the participation of licensed, classified, administrative employees, and students shall be voluntary. In studies initiated at the district, full staff participation may be necessary and cooperation of all district personnel may be required. Teachers will be encouraged to participate in research and experimentation in the interests of the development and improvement of education. No district professional employee, including district administrators, will conduct educational research studies involving district students or conduct a survey involving district students outside the scope of their employment without the prior consent of the superintendent [or designee]. If a teacher plans to engage in a research project for use in classroom instruction, details will be made known to, and approved by, the building principal. If such a study results in materials which would be useful to other teachers, it is recommended that it be made available for distribution throughout the district.
  4. Research must have direct application to the educational program or decision-making process of the district. The researcher agrees to provide the district with a copy of the completed research. The district reserves the right to use research findings for programmatic revision/decision-making, as appropriate. The researcher will receive appropriate acknowledgment when their findings are used or cited.
  5. The research does not interfere with the educational program of the district. A balance will be maintained to assure that individuals are asked to participate in a limited number of studies in any given year. Research must minimize disruption to district, school, and classroom operations.
  6. All communication with parents/guardians and/or students must have the prior review and approval by the building principal before such communication is initiated.
  7. All parties conducting research in the district are to assume responsibility for making themselves available to answer questions from district personnel regarding the research proposed and data to be collected.

General Procedures: From time to time the district may administer surveys to students in the course of developing and evaluating programs and services offered in the schools. The district will comply with applicable laws and regulations concerning the administration of surveys and the use of personal information about students for marketing purposes as outlined in this policy. If prior notice and written parent/guardian consent, or the written consent of emancipated students or students over 18 years of age is absent, then students will not be required to submit to the survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning:

  1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student's parents/ guardians;
  2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or the student's family;
  3. Sexual behaviors or attitudes;
  4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behaviors;
  5. Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships;
  6. Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers;
  7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or the student's parents/guardians; or
  8. Income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program).

Notice to Parents/Guardians Regarding Surveys: A copy of this policy or a summary of this policy will be included in the student handbook for each building.

Procedures for Inspection of Surveys and Related Materials: Parents/guardians have the right to review any survey, teacher's manual, recording, or other supplementary material which will be used in connection with any survey created by a third party before it is distributed or administered to students.

Parents/guardians may request to inspect surveys or related instructional materials by submitting a request in writing to the superintendent [or designee] within 10 days of receiving notice that a survey is to be administered. The superintendent [or designee] will make arrangements for the parent/guardian to inspect the survey and/or materials within a reasonable time prior to the scheduled date of the survey.

The district does not collect, use, or disseminate personal information about students for marketing or commercial purposes.

The superintendent [or designee] is responsible for ensuring that appropriate measures are taken to ensure that student privacy is protected when surveys are administered or personal information about students is collected, disclosed, or used for marketing purposes. The district will use these procedures to safeguard the confidentiality of student education records under applicable laws.

Students over 18 and/or Emancipated Students: In the case of emancipated students or students over the age of 18 the parent/guardian rights described in this policy transfer to the student.

Adopted: 3/12
Reviewed: 3/13; 4/14; 6/15; 7/19; 7/22

1005.3 - Public Conduct on School Premises

The board expects that students, employees, and visitors will treat each other with respect, engage in responsible behavior, exercise self-discipline, and model fairness, equity, and respect. Individuals violating this policy will be subject to discipline. Students will be disciplined consistent with the student conduct policies. Employees will be disciplined consistent with employee discipline policies and laws. Others will be subject to discipline according to this policy.

Individuals are permitted to attend school-sponsored or school-approved activities or visit school premises only as guests of the school district and, as a condition, they must comply with the school district’s rules and policies. Individuals will not be allowed to interfere with or disrupt the education program or activity. Visitors, like the participants, are expected to display mature, responsible behavior. The failure of individuals to do so is not only disruptive but embarrassing to the students, the school district, and the entire community.

To protect the rights of students to participate in the education program or activities without fear of interference or disruption and to permit the school officials, employees, and activity sponsors and officials to perform their duties without interference or disruption, the following provisions are in effect:

  1. Abusive, verbal or physical conduct of individuals directed at students, school officials, employees, officials and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities, or at other individuals will not be tolerated.
  2. Verbal or physical conduct of individuals that interferes with the performance of students, school officials, employees, officials and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities will not be tolerated.
  3. The use of vulgar, obscene, or demeaning expression directed at students, school officials, employees, officials and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities participating in a sponsored or approved activity, or at other individuals will not be tolerated.

If an individual becomes physically or verbally abusive; uses vulgar, obscene, or demeaning expressions; or in any way interrupts an activity, the individual may be removed from the premises by the individual in charge of the event. Law enforcement may be contacted for assistance. The superintendent [or designee] may recommend the exclusion of the individual at future sponsored or approved activities or from school facilities.

If an individual has been notified of exclusion and thereafter tries to enter a school building or facility or attends a sponsored or approved activity, the individual will be advised that their attendance will result in prosecution. The school district may obtain a court order for permanent exclusion from the school building or facility or from future school-sponsored or approved activities. For the purpose of this policy, facility includes all buildings, grounds, and outdoor facilities which are considered district property or on which district business is conducted.

Adopted: 12/99
Reviewed: 3/13; 4/14; 6/15; 7/19; 7/22
Revised: 2/08
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 279.8, .66; 716.7
IASB Reference: 903.04

1005.4 - Fundraising and Student Solicitations

The board forbids the use of the schools in any manner for the promotion of services or products by businesses or organizations operated for-profit unless authorized by the school board or administration.

No fundraising activity will be permitted if it demands students and staff use their time to assist in promoting a campaign (financial, educational, charitable, or otherwise) unless the activity is in accord with the vision and mission of the district as reviewed by the superintendent [or designee]. 

Guidelines to be followed:

  1. The use of students, staff, the district’s name, or district buildings and sites for advertising or promoting products and/or services of entities and organizations operating for-profit will be disallowed. Non-profit entities and organizations may be allowed to use students, staff, the district’s name, or district buildings and sites if the purpose is educationally related and prior approval from the superintendent [or designee] has been obtained.
  2. Participation by students in charitable activities is considered to be a desirable part of their total education. However, as a matter of basic policy, the school board authorizes the administration to determine the nature and extent of such activities during school hours.
  3. All district fundraising projects will be governed by policy 1005.4-R.

Adopted: 12/96
Reviewed: 4/14; 6/15; 7/19; 7/22
Revised: 3/12; 3/13
Related Policy: 1005.4-R; 1005.4-E1-E2
Code of Iowa: 279.8
IASB Reference: 704.06

1005.4-R - Regulations Regarding Fundraising and Student Solicitations

The Linn-Mar Board of Directors appreciates school and community efforts of engaging in fundraising which benefits student learning, adheres to school board policies and the student Code of Conduct, and follows safety procedures required by code, regulations, and best practices.

District Fundraisers: There are two district organizations whose sole purpose is to provide opportunities for students to raise funds district-wide. Both organizations provide the district with annual revenue and expenditure reports showing the benefit to the students and district. The two organizations are:

  1. The Linn-Mar Booster Club that sells memberships, operates concession stands for all athletic events, and sells clothing items in partnership with theROARstore; and
  2. The Linn-Mar School Foundation which conducts, on an annual basis, an auction, a golf outing, a donor campaign (Smart Money), and an ongoing endowment.

PTO-Sponsored Fundraisers: PTO groups must fill out a facility use request form if they wish to hold a fundraiser in district facilities (Refer to Policy Series 1004.1). They should also provide an annual report of revenue and expenditures to the Business Office by August 20th for the preceding school year. PTO groups are not required to have school board approval for individual fundraising events but should work with the building principal.

PK-12 Grade Sanctioned Groups - Applications, Reports, and Deadlines: The building principal and event sponsor must submit a fundraising request form with the principal’s approval regardless of the amount of money to be raised (Refer to Policy 1005.4-E1).

Fundraising request forms should be received in the business office no later than:

  • The first day of school for approval of fundraisers occurring from October 1st thru December 31st;
  • The last day of school before Thanksgiving break for approval of fundraisers occurring from January 1st thru March 31st;
  • By February 15th for approval of fundraisers occurring from April 1st thru May 31st; and
  • By April 15th for approval of fundraisers occurring from June 1st thru September 30th.

The school board will approve fundraising requests on the following schedule:

  • The first board meeting in September;
  • The December board meeting;
  • The March board meeting; and
  • The first board meeting in May.

Fundraising activities may begin the day following board approval. Once approved, fundraisers will be placed on the annual fundraising calendar which is posted on the district website. Therefore, it is advantageous to submit applications as early as possible for the current or upcoming fiscal year for approval to be placed on the district fundraising calendar.

A fundraising project summary for each event must be completed by the event sponsor and submitted to the building principal and the Business Office within six weeks following the end date of the fundraiser (Refer to Policy 1005.4-E2). If the summary is not submitted within the allotted timeframe, the school or group may not be permitted to fundraise the following year.

Student Organizations: Student organizations or groups wishing to raise funds to donate to a charity must include the minutes of their meeting wherein the activity was approved, along with their fundraising request form. Fundraisers for individuals or families will not be approved as they are disallowed by law.

External Groups: Fundraisers initiated and organized by external charitable organizations may be done in alternating years with the approval of the district's chief financial/operating officer [or designee] and will be posted on the district fundraising calendar.

Exceptions Include:

  • Fundraising for a large-cost item such as playground equipment or band uniforms that may extend several years;
  • Fundraising in response to a natural disaster; and
  • Fundraising that addresses a unique situation or unforeseen opportunity that cannot meet the deadline requirements.

A letter from the building principal and event sponsor describing the fundraiser and the reason for seeking an exception should be submitted to the district's chief financial/operating officer [or designee] for approval prior to any fundraising request and must follow the prescribed timelines whenever possible.

Additional Information:

  1. Students in grades PK-5 will not conduct door-to-door solicitations for the purpose of fundraising.
  2. Students and event sponsors may not receive individual prizes or incentives purchased by the district or donated by a vendor for participating in fundraising efforts.

Adopted: 12/96
Reviewed: 3/13; 6/15; 7/19
Revised: 3/12; 6/12; 3/13; 4/14; 6/16; 7/22
Related Policy: 1005.4; 1005.4-E1-E2
IASB Reference: 704.06-R(1)

1005.4-E1 - Fundraising Request Form


Forms should be submitted to the Business Office per the following deadlines:

Request Form Due Board Approval Date Fundraiser Start Date
First day of school for fundraisers occurring
from Oct 1 thru Dec 31
First meeting in September Fundraisers should NOT start until the day immediately following
board approval.
Last day of school before Thanksgiving
break for fundraisers occurring
from Jan 1 thru Mar 31
December meeting
By February 15 for fundraisers occurring
from Apr 1 thru May 31
March meeting
By April 15 for fundraisers occurring
from June 1 thru Sept 30
First meeting in May

Reminders: All groups are required to submit a request for each fundraiser to the Business Office specifying how all funds raised will be spent. A Fundraising Project Summary (Refer to Policy 1005.4-E2) is due six weeks after the fundraiser ends. Proceeds should be spent during the year funds are raised.

Building Name:

Sponsoring Group:

Contact Name:

Contact Email:

Contact Phone:

District Account Code:

Description of Activity: (Information required for the request to be considered)

Fundraising Activity:

Activity Start/End Dates:

Estimated Proceeds:

Purpose/Use of Funds Raised (MUST BE Specific):

Administrator Approval:
I approve this request as necessary to provide funds for the purposes described above.

Building Administrator's Signature and Date Signed:

Business Office and Board Review/Approval:

Business Office Review/Approval Signature and Date Signed:
Board Review/Approval Signature and Date Signed:

Date Request Received: ____________________
Summary Due Date:

Revised: 6/22; 7/22
Related Policy: 1005.4; 1005.4-R; 1005.4-E2

1005.4-E2 - Fundraising Project Summary


Important Notes:

  • The Fundraising Project Summary is due six weeks after the activity ends.
  • All groups are required to submit an annual report by the end of the school year to the business office specifying how all fundraising proceeds were spent.

Description of Activity:

Activity Start/End Dates:

Fundraising Vendor:

Sponsoring Organization:

Contact Name:

Contact Email & Phone:

Building Administrator Signature & Date:


Description of Activity $       
Contribution $
Admission Charges $
Games of Chance (Raffles, carnival games, etc.) $
Other (Specify ___________________________) $
Total Revenue $


Product Cost or Services $  
Games of Chance Expenses $
Gambling Tax $
Award/Sales Incentives $
Facility Use/Labor Costs $
Other (Specify_____________________________) $
Total Expenses $
Fundraising Profit (Revenue Minus Expenses) $

Profit Has Been Deposited In: (Check One)
_____ *District Student Activity Account (Fund 21)
            *Provide district account code: ______________________________

_____PTO Bank Account

_____ Other (Specify ____________________________________________)

Date Summary Was Received:

Related Policy: 1005.4; 1005.4-R; 1005.4-E1

1005.6 - Transporting Students in Private Vehicles

Generally, transporting students for school purposes is done in a vehicle owned by the district and driven by a licensed school bus driver. In case of emergency or special circumstances, students may be transported in private vehicles for school purposes. It is within the discretion of the superintendent to determine when this is appropriate.

Individuals transporting students for school purposes in private vehicles must have the permission of the superintendent and meet all applicable requirements set by the district.

Private vehicles will be used only when:

  1. The vehicle used to transport the student(s) is in good condition and meets all applicable safety requirements;
  2. The driver transporting the student(s) possesses a valid driver’s license;
  3. Vehicles used for private transportation must have enough passenger restraints to accommodate the number of passengers being transported;
  4. Proof of insurance has been supplied to the superintendent [or designee] and the insurance satisfies the minimum coverage requirements for driving personal vehicles in the state of Iowa; and
  5. When the parents of the students to be transported have given written permission to the superintendent [or designee]. 

The district assumes no responsibility for those students who have not received the approval of the superintendent [or designee] and who ride in private vehicles for school purposes. If transportation is not provided by the district, or if transportation provided by the district is declined by the student or parent/guardian, then the responsibility and corresponding liability for transportation for school purposes shall rest solely with the student and parent/guardian.

This policy statement applies to transportation of students for school purposes in addition to transporting students to and from their designated attendance center. The superintendent may develop an administrative process to implement this policy.

Adopted: 6/85
Reviewed: 3/13; 4/14; 6/15; 7/19; 7/22
Revised: 4/16
Related Policy: 1005.6-E
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 279.8; 285; 321; 281 IAC 43
IASB Reference: 904.01

1005.6-E - Transporting Students in Private Vehicles Permission Form


Date: ______________________

Student Name: ______________________________

Dear Parent/Guardian,

On _____________________ your student's class will be taking a fieldtrip/excursion to _____________________.

Students will be transported to the event in private vehicles driven by the parents/guardians of students in the class. It is
important to understand that the Linn-Mar Community School District's insurance carrier does not provide primary coverage for the owner, driver, or passengers during a fieldtrip/excursion in non-school vehicles even though the event is sponsored by the district.

Please check one:

_____ I give my permission for my student to go on the fieldtrip/excursion.

_____ I do not give my permission for my student to go on the fieldtrip/excursion.

Parent/Guardian Signature and Date: __________________________________

I agree to provide transportation in my own vehicle for the school fieldtrip/excursion. I understand that the Linn-Mar Community School District's insurance carrier does not provide primary insurance coverage for private vehicles and that my insurance coverage will be liable in the event of an accident.

Driver's Signature and Date: _______________________________

Adopted: 3/00
Reviewed: 3/13; 4/14; 6/15; 7/19; 7/22
Revised: 11/10
Related Policy: 1005.6