1005.4 - Fundraising and Student Solicitations

The board forbids the use of the schools in any manner for the promotion of services or products by businesses or organizations operated for-profit unless authorized by the school board or administration.

No fundraising activity will be permitted if it demands students and staff use their time to assist in promoting a campaign (financial, educational, charitable, or otherwise) unless the activity is in accord with the vision and mission of the district as reviewed by the superintendent [or designee]. 

Guidelines to be followed:

  1. The use of students, staff, the district’s name, or district buildings and sites for advertising or promoting products and/or services of entities and organizations operating for-profit will be disallowed. Non-profit entities and organizations may be allowed to use students, staff, the district’s name, or district buildings and sites if the purpose is educationally related and prior approval from the superintendent [or designee] has been obtained.
  2. Participation by students in charitable activities is considered to be a desirable part of their total education. However, as a matter of basic policy, the school board authorizes the administration to determine the nature and extent of such activities during school hours.
  3. All district fundraising projects will be governed by policy 1005.4-R.

Adopted: 12/96
Reviewed: 4/14; 6/15; 7/19; 7/22
Revised: 3/12; 3/13
Related Policy: 1005.4-R; 1005.4-E1-E2
Code of Iowa: 279.8
IASB Reference: 704.06

1005.4-R - Regulations Regarding Fundraising and Student Solicitations

The Linn-Mar Board of Directors appreciates school and community efforts of engaging in fundraising which benefits student learning, adheres to school board policies and the student Code of Conduct, and follows safety procedures required by code, regulations, and best practices.

District Fundraisers: There are two district organizations whose sole purpose is to provide opportunities for students to raise funds district-wide. Both organizations provide the district with annual revenue and expenditure reports showing the benefit to the students and district. The two organizations are:

  1. The Linn-Mar Booster Club that sells memberships, operates concession stands for all athletic events, and sells clothing items in partnership with theROARstore; and
  2. The Linn-Mar School Foundation which conducts, on an annual basis, an auction, a golf outing, a donor campaign (Smart Money), and an ongoing endowment.

PTO-Sponsored Fundraisers: PTO groups must fill out a facility use request form if they wish to hold a fundraiser in district facilities (Refer to Policy Series 1004.1). They should also provide an annual report of revenue and expenditures to the Business Office by August 20th for the preceding school year. PTO groups are not required to have school board approval for individual fundraising events but should work with the building principal.

PK-12 Grade Sanctioned Groups - Applications, Reports, and Deadlines: The building principal and event sponsor must submit a fundraising request form with the principal’s approval regardless of the amount of money to be raised (Refer to Policy 1005.4-E1).

Fundraising request forms should be received in the business office no later than:

  • The first day of school for approval of fundraisers occurring from October 1st thru December 31st;
  • The last day of school before Thanksgiving break for approval of fundraisers occurring from January 1st thru March 31st;
  • By February 15th for approval of fundraisers occurring from April 1st thru May 31st; and
  • By April 15th for approval of fundraisers occurring from June 1st thru September 30th.

The school board will approve fundraising requests on the following schedule:

  • The first board meeting in September;
  • The December board meeting;
  • The March board meeting; and
  • The first board meeting in May.

Fundraising activities may begin the day following board approval. Once approved, fundraisers will be placed on the annual fundraising calendar which is posted on the district website. Therefore, it is advantageous to submit applications as early as possible for the current or upcoming fiscal year for approval to be placed on the district fundraising calendar.

A fundraising project summary for each event must be completed by the event sponsor and submitted to the building principal and the Business Office within six weeks following the end date of the fundraiser (Refer to Policy 1005.4-E2). If the summary is not submitted within the allotted timeframe, the school or group may not be permitted to fundraise the following year.

Student Organizations: Student organizations or groups wishing to raise funds to donate to a charity must include the minutes of their meeting wherein the activity was approved, along with their fundraising request form. Fundraisers for individuals or families will not be approved as they are disallowed by law.

External Groups: Fundraisers initiated and organized by external charitable organizations may be done in alternating years with the approval of the district's chief financial/operating officer [or designee] and will be posted on the district fundraising calendar.

Exceptions Include:

  • Fundraising for a large-cost item such as playground equipment or band uniforms that may extend several years;
  • Fundraising in response to a natural disaster; and
  • Fundraising that addresses a unique situation or unforeseen opportunity that cannot meet the deadline requirements.

A letter from the building principal and event sponsor describing the fundraiser and the reason for seeking an exception should be submitted to the district's chief financial/operating officer [or designee] for approval prior to any fundraising request and must follow the prescribed timelines whenever possible.

Additional Information:

  1. Students in grades PK-5 will not conduct door-to-door solicitations for the purpose of fundraising.
  2. Students and event sponsors may not receive individual prizes or incentives purchased by the district or donated by a vendor for participating in fundraising efforts.

Adopted: 12/96
Reviewed: 3/13; 6/15; 7/19
Revised: 3/12; 6/12; 3/13; 4/14; 6/16; 7/22
Related Policy: 1005.4; 1005.4-E1-E2
IASB Reference: 704.06-R(1)

1005.4-E1 - Fundraising Request Form


Forms should be submitted to the Business Office per the following deadlines:

Request Form Due Board Approval Date Fundraiser Start Date
First day of school for fundraisers occurring
from Oct 1 thru Dec 31
First meeting in September Fundraisers should NOT start until the day immediately following
board approval.
Last day of school before Thanksgiving
break for fundraisers occurring
from Jan 1 thru Mar 31
December meeting
By February 15 for fundraisers occurring
from Apr 1 thru May 31
March meeting
By April 15 for fundraisers occurring
from June 1 thru Sept 30
First meeting in May

Reminders: All groups are required to submit a request for each fundraiser to the Business Office specifying how all funds raised will be spent. A Fundraising Project Summary (Refer to Policy 1005.4-E2) is due six weeks after the fundraiser ends. Proceeds should be spent during the year funds are raised.

Building Name:

Sponsoring Group:

Contact Name:

Contact Email:

Contact Phone:

District Account Code:

Description of Activity: (Information required for the request to be considered)

Fundraising Activity:

Activity Start/End Dates:

Estimated Proceeds:

Purpose/Use of Funds Raised (MUST BE Specific):

Administrator Approval:
I approve this request as necessary to provide funds for the purposes described above.

Building Administrator's Signature and Date Signed:

Business Office and Board Review/Approval:

Business Office Review/Approval Signature and Date Signed:
Board Review/Approval Signature and Date Signed:

Date Request Received: ____________________
Summary Due Date:

Revised: 6/22; 7/22
Related Policy: 1005.4; 1005.4-R; 1005.4-E2

1005.4-E2 - Fundraising Project Summary


Important Notes:

  • The fundraising summary is due six weeks after the activity ends.
  • All groups are required to submit an annual report by the end of the school year to the business office specifying how all fundraising proceeds were spent.

Description of Activity:

Activity Start/End Dates:

Fundraising Vendor:

Sponsoring Organization:

Contact Name:

Contact Email & Phone:

Building Administrator Signature & Date:


Description of Activity $       
Contribution $
Admission Charges $
Games of Chance (Raffles, carnival games, etc.) $
Other (Specify ___________________________) $
Total Revenue $


Product Cost or Services $  
Games of Chance Expenses $
Gambling Tax $
Award/Sales Incentives $
Facility Use/Labor Costs $
Other (Specify_____________________________) $
Total Expenses $
Fundraising Profit (Revenue Minus Expenses) $

Profit Has Been Deposited In: (Check One)
_____ *District Student Activity Account (Fund 21)
            *Provide district account code: ______________________________

_____PTO Bank Account

_____ Other (Specify ____________________________________________)

Date Summary Was Received:

Related Policy: 1005.4; 1005.4-R; 1005.4-E1