403.5 - Tobacco-Free and Nicotine-Free Campus

School district premises, including school vehicles, are off limits for smoking and the use of other tobacco products including the use of nicotine products that are not FDA approved for tobacco cessation as well as vaping with e-cigarettes or any electronic smoking device such as but not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, or pipes. 

This requirement extends to all employees, students, patrons, and visitors. This policy applies at all times including school-sponsored and non-school-sponsored events.

Persons failing to abide by this request are required to dispose of all tobacco products, nicotine products, and materials or leave the school district premises immediately. Any employee or student failing to abide with this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

Adopted: 4/88
Reviewed: 1/11; 12/11; 3/17; 4/20; 4/23
Revised: 4/13; 9/14
Related Policy: 403.5-R
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 142D; 279.8-9; 297
IASB Reference: 905.02

403.5-R - Regulations Regarding a Tobacco-Free and Nicotine-Free Campus

The success of this policy will depend upon the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of smokers and non-smokers. All individuals on school premises share in the responsibility for adhering to and assisting in compliance of this policy.

Visitors: Community members who rent school facilities will be asked to sign a statement indicating their assumption of the responsibility of adhering to the tobacco-free and nicotine-free environment policy. It will be their responsibility to supervise their own activities to accomplish a tobacco-free and nicotine-free environment.

Visitors attending school functions will be asked by staff members in authority to not use nicotine products and/or tobacco on school grounds and in school vehicles. Persons willfully refusing to comply will be considered trespassers and reported to police.

Students: Students will be treated in accordance with Policy 502.4 Search and Seizure.

Employees: Employees who willfully violate the policy will be considered as demonstrating insubordination. Their conduct will be treated through due process procedures.

Adopted: 4/88
Reviewed: 1/11; 12/11; 9/14; 3/17; 4/20; 4/23
Revised: 4/13
Related Policy: 403.5