203.3 - Review and Revision of Board Policy

The board will review board policy at least once every five years. Once the policies have been reviewed, even if no changes were made, a notation of the date of review or revision will be made on the face of the policy statement.

The board will review at least one-fifth of the policy manual annually according to the following subject areas: 

  • Educational Objectives and Board of Directors (Series 100 and 200)
  • Administration and Staff/Personnel (Series 300 and 400)
  • Students and Education Program (Series 500 and 600)
  • Auxiliary Services, Business Procedures, Facilities & Sites, and School & Community Relations (Series 700, 800, 900, and 1000)

It is the responsibility of the superintendent [or designee] to keep the board informed as to legal changes at both the federal and state levels. The superintendent [or designee] will also be responsible for bringing proposed policy revisions to the board’s attention.

If a policy is revised because of a legal change over which the board has no control or a change which is minor, the policy may be approved at one meeting at the discretion of the board.

The board policy manual is available on the district’s school Board/Policy website. Persons unable to access the policy manual electronically should contact the Communications Department for assistance. 

Generally, the board will follow policy and enforce it equitably. The board, and only the board, may in extreme emergencies of a very unique nature suspend policy. It is within the discretion of the board to determine when an extreme emergency of a very unique nature exits. Reasons for suspension of board policy will be documented in the board minutes.

When there is no board policy in existence to provide guidance on a matter, the superintendent is authorized to act appropriately under the circumstances surrounding the situation keeping in mind the educational philosophy and financial condition of the school district. It is the responsibility of the superintendent to inform the board of the situation and the action taken and to document the action taken. If needed, the superintendent will draft a proposed policy for the board to consider.

The board will delegate to the superintendent the function of formulating the administrative rules and regulations designed to carry out the policies of the Board of Directors. These rules and detailed arrangements will constitute the administrative rules and regulations governing the schools. The superintendent is authorized to create administrative rules and regulations and to keep the board informed of any substantive changes for policy series 300 thru 1000. The Board of Directors is responsible for the administrative regulations in series 100 and 200.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 10/11; 4/13; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 8/14
Related Policy: 203.1-2
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 279.8; 281 IAC 12.3(2)
IASB Reference: 209.0