The regular meeting time and dates will be set by the board at the organizational meeting in odd-numbered years or at the annual meeting in even-numbered years.
Board meetings are normally scheduled for the second and fourth Mondays of the month when the school calendar allows. The board will adhere to the established meeting dates unless the additional meetings are required or, due to circumstances beyond the board’s control, the meetings cannot be held on the regular meeting dates and the meetings will then be rescheduled in accordance with law and policy. Public notice of the meetings will be given, and board meeting dates and times will be posted on the district website upon board approval.
Meetings of the board are conducted for the purpose of carrying out the business of the school district. Only board members have the authority to make and second motions and vote on issues before the board. The board may establish rules for its own governance and determine the procedures that will be followed during board meetings. Meetings may be closed to the public to allow the board to discuss a specific topic as defined by law. (Refer to Policy 204.3)
Public notice will be given for meetings and work sessions held by the board. Public notice will indicate the time, place, date, and tentative agenda of board meetings. The public notice will be posted on public display on an exterior facing door/window so that the community members may see the agenda when the building is physically closed at the district administration building (3556 Winslow Road, Marion) at least three days before it is scheduled but, at the minimum, 24-hour notice needs to be given. A copy of the public notice, either electronic or print, will be provided to those who have filed a request for notice with the board secretary. A copy of the public notice will also be accessible electronically.
In the case of special meetings, public notice will be given in the same manner as for a regular meeting unless it is an emergency meeting. In that case, public notice of the meeting will be given as soon as practical and possible in light of the situation. The media and others who have requested notice will be notified of the emergency meeting electronically. Attendance at a special meeting or emergency meeting by the media or board members will constitute a waiver of notice.
It is the responsibility of the board secretary [or designee] to give public notice of board meetings and work sessions. The district’s website is used to inform the public of future meetings and agendas.
Adopted: 9/85
Reviewed: 10/11; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 8/23; 9/24
Related Policy: 204.2-8; 204.16
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21.2-4; 279.1-2
IASB Reference: 210.05
It may be necessary for the board to conduct a special meeting in addition to the regularly scheduled board meeting. Special meetings may be requested by the president of the board, the superintendent, or by the board secretary at the request of a majority of the board. Should a special meeting be called, public notice will be given.
If the special meeting called is an emergency meeting and the board cannot give public notice in its usual manner, the board will give public notice of the meeting as soon as practical and possible in light of the situation. The reason for the emergency meeting and why notice in its usual manner could not be given will be stated in the minutes.
Only the purpose or issue for which the special meeting was called may be discussed and decided on during the special meeting. The board will strictly adhere to the agenda for the special meeting and action on other issues will be reserved for the next regular or special board meeting.
Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 10/11; 8/14; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 4/13
Related Policy: 204.1; 204.3-8; 204.16
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21.3-4; 279.2
IASB Reference: 210.03
Generally, board meetings will be open meetings unless a closed session is provided for by law. The board may enter into a closed session for any reason permitted by law.
Closed sessions take place as part of an open meeting. The item for discussion in the closed session will be listed as part of the tentative agenda on the public notice with the full text of the Iowa Code citation reference stated on the agenda.
The motion for a closed session, stating the purpose for the closed session, will be made and seconded during the open meeting. A minimum of two-thirds of the board, or all of the board members present if any are absent, must vote in favor of the motion on a roll call vote. Closed sessions will be recorded and have detailed minutes kept by the board secretary. No voting will take place in the closed session. Final action on matters discussed in the closed session will be taken in an open meeting.
The minutes and the recording will restate the motion made in the open meeting, the roll call vote, the members present, and the time the closed session began and ended. The recording and written minutes will be kept for one year from the date of the meeting. Real estate related minutes and recordings may be made public after the real estate transaction is completed.
The detailed minutes and recording will be sealed and will not be public record open to public inspection. The minutes recording will only be available to board members or opened upon court or administrative order in an action to enforce the requirements of the open meetings law.
The board has complete discretion as to who may be present at a closed session but, generally, closed sessions will be limited to the board, a recording secretary, and the superintendent if indicated. The board has discretion to nominate the board secretary or any board member to serve as the recording secretary for the closed session.
Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 4/13; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 10/11; 8/14; 9/16; 1/22
Related Policy: 204.1-2; .4-8; 204.16
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21; 22.7; 279.24
IASB Reference: 212
Each year after August 31st and prior to the organizational meeting of the board in odd numbered years, the board will hold its annual meeting. At the annual meeting, the board will examine the financial books and settle the secretary’s and treasurer’s statements for the fiscal year ending the preceding June 30. As part of the annual reports, the treasurer will present affidavits from the depository banks. The board may also appoint legal counsel at the annual meeting.
In addition to the required business, the annual meeting agenda may include:
The board will hold its organizational meeting in odd numbered years at or before the first regular meeting following the canvass of votes. Notice of the meeting’s place and time will be given by the board secretary to each member, member-elect, and the public.
The purpose of the organizational meeting is to transfer materials and responsibilities from the outgoing board to the new board. At the meeting, the board will elect a president and vice president who will hold office for one year. Once elected the president and vice president will be entitled to vote on all matters before the board.
The organizational meeting will be held in two parts:
The board secretary, as President Pro Tem, will preside over the meeting until a new board president is elected.
Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 4/13; 8/14; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 10/11; 9/13; 9/16; 3/17
Related Policy: 204.1
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 274.2; 275.23A; 277.23, .31; 279.1, .5, .7-.8, .33; 281 IAC 12.3(2)
IASB Reference: 200.01-R(1); 210.01
Board meetings at which a quorum is not present, or gatherings of the board for purely ministerial or social purposes when there is no discussion of policy or no intent to avoid the purposes of the open meetings law, are exempt from the open meetings law requirements.
Since gatherings of this type are exempt from the open meetings requirements, they can be held without public notice, be separate from an open meeting, be held without electronic recording of the gathering or taking minutes and be held without a vote or motion.
The board may also hold an exempt session for the following reasons or as may be otherwise authorized by law:
Adopted: 1/22
Reviewed: 10/22
Related Policy: 204.1-4; 204.8; 204.16
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 20.17; 21; 22.7; 279.15-16
IASB Reference: 212.01
The board, as a learning and decision-making body, is confronted with a continuing flow of topics, issues, and needs which require action. While the board is determined to expedite its business, it is also mindful of the importance of planning, brainstorming, and thoughtful discussion without action. Therefore, the board may schedule work sessions and retreats in order to provide its members and the administration with such opportunities.
The board has the authority to hire an outside facilitator to assist them in work sessions.
Topics for discussion and study will be announced publicly, and work sessions and retreats will be conducted in open session. No board action will take place at the work session.
Adopted: 9/85
Reviewed: 4/13; 8/14; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 8/05
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21; 279.8
IASB Reference: 210.04
The tentative agenda for each board meeting will state the topics for discussion and action. The agenda is part of the public notice of the board meeting and will be posted and distributed.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent and board president to develop the agenda for each board meeting. Any board member may place an item on the next regular agenda with the consent of a majority of the board. Board members wishing to do so should provide notice to the superintendent and board president at least 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting.
Individuals wishing to place an item on the agenda can make a request to the superintendent or board president, prior to the drafting of the tentative agenda, who will decide whether to place the item on the agenda and, if so, the appropriate meeting date. The person making the request must state their name, address, purpose of the presentation, action desired, and pertinent background information. Requests from the public may be added to the tentative agenda at the discretion of the superintendent after consultation with the board president. Requests received after the deadline for processing the agenda may only be added to the agenda for good cause.
Individuals may also submit a valid petition to the board secretary to request a public hearing on a specific topic. Refer to Policy 204.9 for additional information on petitions to place a topic on the board agenda via a public hearing.
The tentative agenda and supporting documents will be sent to board members at least two days prior to the scheduled board meeting. These documents are the private property of the board member.
The board will take action only on items listed on the tentative agenda posted with the public notice. Items added to the agenda after the statutorily required 24-hour notice may be discussed or taken under advisement by the board. If an added item is acted upon, the minutes of the board meeting will state the reason justifying immediate action. The board will exercise this discretionary authority with great care.
Board action voted on from a previous agenda item cannot be brought forward for a second vote unless the following parameters are met:
Any additional information related to the addition of the second vote on a subsequent board agenda must be distributed in a timely manner by the superintendent through the board secretary with the agenda for the meeting, at which consideration of a second vote will be reviewed.
In order for a more efficient administration of board meetings, the board may elect to use a consent agenda for the passage of items under the management of the superintendent, board president, and board secretary. By using a consent agenda, the board has consented to the consideration of certain items as a group under one resolution. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of a board member.
Public hearings may be held on school district matters at the discretion of the board. Public notice of a public hearing will be in the same manner as for a board meeting except that notice will be given at least 10 days before the hearing is to be held; unless it is impossible or impractical to do so or the law requires otherwise.
Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 10/11; 4/13; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 1/12; 8/14; 9/21; 1/22
Related Policy: 204.1; 204.4; 204.9
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21; 279.8
IASB Reference: 210.08; 210.08-E(1)-E(2)
Any gathering of a majority of board members, either in-person or electronically, in which deliberation of an issue within the scope of the board’s policy-making duties takes place is defined as a board meeting. A gathering for the purpose of social or ministerial action will not constitute a board meeting when there is no discussion of policy or no intent to avoid the purpose of the open meetings law. Meetings of the board will be conducted in an open meeting unless a closed session is authorized by law, or the meeting is exempt from the open meetings law.
All such meetings, unless specifically exempt from the open meetings law, are required to have proper notification, public access, open board discussion and voting by the board members on the issues properly before the board, and a public record of the proceedings in the form of written minutes. All public board meetings will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Iowa law.
The board secretary will be responsible for public notification of all meetings, arranging for recording (when necessary), producing minutes of all meetings, and retaining appropriate minutes and records as required by law. The minutes will be kept on file as the permanent official records of school legislation for the district. The secretary will act as custodian of the minutes and will make them available to any citizen who wishes to examine them during usual office hours of the district. The minutes will be posted on the district's website after board approval.
Adopted: 9/85
Reviewed: 4/13; 8/14; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 10/11; 9/16
Related Policy: 204.1-5; 204.16
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21; 279.1-2
IASB Reference: 211
The board encourages public attendance and participation in its public meetings. The board has a significant interest in maintaining the decorum of its meetings and it is expected that members of the public and the board will address each other with civility.
In assuring the public is heard and board meetings are conducted efficiently and in an organized manner, the board has established a specific agenda item, Audience Communications, for the purpose of providing the public an opportunity to express their points of view on items related to school business. Audience communications will be taken under consideration and a response, if appropriate, may be issued at another time. Board members will not respond to or act on audience communications during the public meeting. Audience communications are limited to regular board meetings and will not be routinely offered during special meetings.
Audience communications are subject to the following regulations:
Individuals who wish for an item to be placed on the board agenda may submit a valid petition to the board. For a petition to be valid, it must be signed by at least 500 eligible electors of the district, or 10% of the individuals who voted in the last school election, whichever number is lower.
Upon receiving a valid petition to the board to place a proposal on the next board agenda for public hearing, the board will place the proposal identified in the petition on the agenda of the next regular meeting, or a special meeting held within 30 days of receipt of the petition. The board will provide a sign-up sheet for all individuals who wish to speak on the proposal and individuals will be called to speak in order of sign-up. The sign-up sheet will require each individual to list their legal name and mailing address. Each speaker will be limited to an amount of time established by the board that is reasonable and necessary based on the number of speakers who have signed up. The same time limit will apply to all speakers on the proposal and each individual will be limited to one opportunity to speak. The board maintains absolute discretion on whether or not to discuss or act on the public comments made on the proposal. If a petition is related to curriculum, the district maintains discretion to determine whether to stop teaching the curriculum until the board holds the public hearing to discuss the petition.
For additional information on the development of school board agendas, refer to Policy 204.7.
Adopted: 3/72
Reviewed: 10/11; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 4/13; 8/14; 10/14; 9/21; 1/22; 2/22; 4/22; 8/23
Related Policy: 204.1; 204.4; 204.7; 1003.3
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21; 22; 279.8; 279.8B
IASB Reference: 213
An orderly board meeting allows the board members to participate in the discussion and decision process on issues confronting the school district. Rules of order for board meetings allow school district business and the relative information concerning the business to be brought to the attention of the board. They also allow the board to discuss, act upon, and make a clear record of school district business in a regular, ordered, reasonable, and consistent manner.
The board will follow Robert’s Rules of Order latest edition as modified by this policy and subsequent rules.
The purposes of modified rules adopted by the board are:
It is the responsibility of each board member to follow the rules of order stated in this policy at each meeting, and it is the responsibility of the presiding officer to conduct the board meeting within these rules.
Adopted: 9/85
Reviewed: 4/13; 8/14; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 11/08
Related Policy: 204.10-R
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21.2, .7; 279.8
IASB Reference: 210.07
The following rules of procedure have been adopted by the Linn-Mar Community School District Board of Directors:
Adopted: 9/85
Reviewed: 10/11; 4/13; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 8/14
Related Policy: 204.10
IASB Reference: 210.07-R(1)
The school board will keep and maintain permanent records of the board including, but not limited to, minutes of board meetings and other required records of the board.
It is the responsibility of the board secretary to keep the minutes of the board meetings. The minutes of each board meeting will include, at a minimum, the following items: a record of date, time, place, members present, actions taken, the vote of each member, and the schedule of bills allowed will be attached. This information will be available within two weeks of the board meeting and forwarded to the newspaper designated as the official newspaper for publication. The information does not need to be published within two weeks. The schedule of bills allowed may be published on a once-monthly basis in lieu of publication with the minutes. The permanent records of the board minutes may include more detail than is required for the publication of the minutes.
Minutes waiting approval at the next board meeting will be available for inspection after the board secretary transcribes the notes into typewritten material which has been proofread for errors and corrected.
Detailed minutes and complete recordings will be made of closed meetings of the board as required by Iowa Code. Detailed minutes and complete recordings of closed meetings that are exempt from the provisions of Iowa Code will be made when deemed necessary by the board. Detailed minutes will include a synopsis of the discussion, the people present, and any action occurring during the closed session. The board secretary will be custodian of the detailed minutes and recordings which will be maintained in a securely locked depository separate from the regular board minutes for a period of one year; after which they will immediately and routinely be destroyed (recordings will be erased). The minutes and recordings will only be opened upon court order in an action to enforce the requirements of the open meetings law.
Detailed minutes and recordings of closed sessions held under the purchase of real estate exception to open meetings must be made available for public examination when the transaction discussed is completed. There will be separate, detailed minutes and recordings for each real estate transaction.
Adopted: 3/79
Reviewed: 4/13; 10/22
Revised: 8/14; 9/16; 10/19
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21; 22; 279.8, .35-36; 291.6-7; 618.3; 281 IAC 12.3(1)
IASB Reference: 215
Mandatory Policy
The majority of the full membership of the Board of Directors constitutes a quorum and must be present for the transaction of business, either in-person or electronically.
An affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast is sufficient to pass a motion or take any action; unless law or board policy requires a vote of a greater number. The adjournment of a meeting may be executed without a quorum.
The affirmative vote of two-thirds of the entire membership of the board, or the affirmative vote of all members present at a meeting where a quorum but not the entire board is present, is required before the board can go into closed session.
Adopted: 9/85
Reviewed: 4/13; 8/14; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 11/08
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21.5(1); 279.4
IASB Reference: 210.06
School board members are officials of the state. As a public official, each board member must pledge to uphold the Iowa and United States constitutions and carry out the responsibilities of the office to the best of their ability.
Each newly-elected board member will take the oath of office prior to any action taken as a school official. The oath of office is taken by each new board member elected at or before the organizational meeting of the board. In the event of an appointment or special election to fill a vacancy, the new board member will take the oath of office within 10 days of the appointment or election.
Board members elected to specific offices of the board will also take the same oath of office but replacing the words “office of board member” with the title of the office to which they were elected.
The oath of office is administered by the board secretary and does not need to be given at a board meeting. In the event the board secretary is absent, the oath is administered by another board member.
Oath of Office: Do you solemnly swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Iowa, and that you will faithfully and impartially to the best of your ability discharge the duties of the office of board member in the Linn-Mar Community School District as now and hereafter required by law?
Adopted: 9/85
Reviewed: 4/13; 8/14; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 12/95
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 277.28; 279.1, .6
IASB Reference: 202.02