403.28 - Responsible Technology Use

Computers, electronic devices, and other technology are powerful and valuable education and research tools and, as such, are an important part of the instructional program. In addition, the school district depends upon technology as an integral part of administering and managing the school district's resources, including the compilation of data and recordkeeping for personnel, students, finances, supplies, and materials. This policy outlines the board's expectations in regard to these different aspects of the school district's technology resources. Students, staff, and volunteers must conduct themselves in a manner that does not disrupt the educational process and failure to do so may result in discipline, up to and including student discipline under all relevant district policies and discharge for employees.

All employees are responsible for maintaining systems security. Employees with access to a computer are responsible for safeguarding their passwords to ensure that no transaction takes place under that password for which they are not responsible. Under no circumstances should employees reveal their password to another individual. Passwords and encryption keys must be made available to the district’s Technology Services department upon request. If a district need should arise in which it is necessary to obtain access to a specific computer in the absence of the assigned user, appropriate management authorization must be obtained. Passwords should be changed and reset when the employee returns to work.

Although employees may have their own passwords for accessing email, the Internet and computers issued to them, other district computers, and the information that is received or transmitted through them is the property of the Linn-Mar Community School District. In the case of a paid coach or paid activity sponsor who is not a regular employee who has the need to communicate with students as a representative of the district, they should use a district email account created by the Linn-Mar Technology Services department. An individual utilizing a Linn-Mar email address for the purpose of support activities must be approved by the superintendent [or designee] and will be subject to this policy and Policy 603.12-R1 regarding the conduct and expectations for employees. 

The district reserves the right to monitor the use of district equipment by employees and others. As the Linn-Mar Community School District is a public employer, employees should have no expectation of privacy with regard to any information contained on computers to which they have access. The school district reserves the right to access and view any material stored on school district equipment, within district-owned software, or any materials used in conjunction with the school district's network.

Employees with access to a school district computer will not:

  1. Download software without approval from Technology Services. Software that is approved for downloading must be registered to the Linn-Mar Community School District.
  2. Knowingly introduce a computer virus, worm, trojan horse, or any other contaminating or destructive features into the district’s computers.
  3. Transmit copyrighted materials without permission. (Policy 603.14)
  4. Download files from the Internet except for an express business purpose.
  5. Transmit, forward, or download material that is offensive, abusive, pornographic, obscene, profane, discriminatory, harassing, insulting, derogatory, inflammatory, fraudulent, or otherwise unlawful.
  6. Transmit/use email or the Internet for any purpose that is illegal, against district policy, or contrary to the Linn-Mar Community School District’s best interest.
  7. Use artificial intelligence (AI) tools to access or create information that is discriminatory, constitutes bullying or harassment, share confidential or personally identifiable information of others, or access/create material that is harmful to minors, obscene, or child pornography.
  8. Disseminate the district’s confidential information (such as student information, etc.) to any outside source without an express business purpose or authorization.
  9. Gamble and/or participate in fantasy sport leagues.
  10. Participate in instant messaging that is not related to the employee’s work.
  11. Solicit non-district business or use district email or Internet for personal gain including outside employment, self-employment, and family-owned businesses.
  12. Write or participate in blogs or other Internet-based collaboration software that injure, disparage, and/or defame the district, its students, staff, community, and/or its employees’ reputations by name or implication.
  13. Receive or forward unsolicited emails that violate district policy.
  14. Attempt to defeat any security mechanisms to gain unauthorized access to computer files or other information on the Linn-Mar Community School District’s telephone systems, electronic communication systems, or information systems.
  15. Attempt to read, intercept, copy, or delete emails between other users.
  16. Post or transmit any message anonymously, under a false name, or permit any other individual to do so.
  17. Impersonate another person.
  18. Collect information about others without their consent.
  19. Establish or foster relationships that are inappropriate.

Employees may encounter information on the Internet that relates to the Linn-Mar Community School District or its services. Should such information be encountered, employees should not respond but instead should bring the information to the attention of their immediate supervisor. The district will determine if a response is appropriate to the information.

Brief and occasional personal use of the Internet is acceptable as long as it is not excessive or inappropriate, does not occur during work time, does not violate any of the prohibitions listed above, and does not result in expenses to the Linn-Mar Community School District. The superintendent [or designee] reserves the exclusive right to determine whether any use is inappropriate, excessive, and/or violates this policy.

Adopted: 2/09
Reviewed: 12/11; 4/13; 8/17; 6/20; 4/23
Revised: 1/11; 3/13; 9/14; 8/24
Related Policy: 403.29; 403.35; 603.12; 603.12-R1-R2; 603.12-E2; 603.13; 603.13-R; 603.14; 603.14-R; 603.16; 603.16-R
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §279.8; 282 IAC 25-26
IASB Reference: 605.08-R(1); 713; 713-R(1)

403.28-E - Staff Internet Use Agreement

Click here to download the Staff Internet Use Agreement Form

I have read the expected network etiquette (Policies 603.12, 603.12-R1, and 603.12-R2) and agree to abide by these provisions. 

I understand that violation of these provisions may constitute suspension or revocation of internet privileges.

I agree to be responsible for payment of costs incurred by accessing cost-based data services and/or damage to district devices; including repair or replacement as a result of misuse.

Name (Please Print):
Date Signed:

Please return this signed for to your direct supervisor.

Adopted: 8/89
Reviewed: 7/11; 2/15; 4/18; 4/23
Revised: 9/12; 10/13; 6/20
Related Policy: 403.28; 403.29; 403.35; 603.12; 603.12-R1-R2; 603.12-E1
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): 279.8; 282 IAC 25-26