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Board Meeting & Closed Session @ LRC Boardroom

The LMCSD Board of Directors will host their next regular meeting on Monday, January 8th at 5:00 PM in the boardroom of the Learning Resource Center (2999 N 10th St, Marion). The board will also host a closed session immediately following the regular meeting as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c) of the open meetings law, "to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation".

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: As approved by the board during the December 11th meeting, there will be a public hearing at 5:00 PM on January 8th regarding the plans and specifications of the LM High School and Indian Creek roof replacement project and the new performance arts center. Anyone wishing to review the plans/specifications in advance of the public hearing should contact Jonathan Galbraith, Board Secretary/Treasurer (Email / 319-447-3008).

Start Time: 
Mon, 01/08/2024 - 5:00pm
End Time: 
Mon, 01/08/2024 - 8:00pm