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601.3 - School Day

The student school day for grades kindergarten through 12 will consist of a minimum of 6 hours and 45 minutes, including the lunch period. The school day consists of the schedule of class instruction and class activities as established and sponsored by the school district. Time during which students are released from school for parent/teacher conferences may be counted as part of the students’ instructional time. The minimum school day will meet the requirements as established for the operation of accredited schools.

The school district may also record a day of school with less than the minimum instructional hours if the total hours of instructional time for grades 1 through 12 in any five consecutive school days equals a minimum of 30 hours. For any one day of school to be less than the minimum instructional hours it must be used for either staff development opportunities provided for the instructional staff or parent/teacher conferences scheduled beyond the regular school day. Schedule revisions and changes in time allotments will be made by the superintendent [or designee].

When school is forced to close due to weather or other emergencies, the part of the day during which school was in session will constitute a school day. The superintendent [or designee] will create administrative regulations necessary to utilize any remote learning opportunities that are available and permitted by law during the period of closure. The provision of special education and accommodations for students who have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Section 504 Plans during periods of closure will be determined by each respective IEP or Section 504 team.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent [or designee] to inform the board annually of the length of the school day.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 6/11; 6/12; 9/13; 1/18; 2/21; 2/24
Revised: 4/15; 9/20; 3/23
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §256.7(3)(21)(32); 279.8, .10; 281 IAC 12.1(1), .1(7-10)
IASB Reference: 601.02