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805.2 - Care, Maintenance, and Disposal of Records

School district records are housed in the central administration office of the school district. It is the responsibility of the superintendent and board secretary [or designees]  to oversee the maintenance and accuracy of the records. The following records are kept and preserved according to the schedule below:

Record Length of Time
Board Secretary's Financial Records Permanently
Board Treasurer's Financial Records Permanently
School Board Election Results Permanently
Board of Directors Open Meeting Minutes Permanently
Recordings and Minutes of
Closed Board Meetings
1 year
Individual Student's
Permanent Records
Annual Audit Reports Permanently
Annual Budgets Permanently
Real Property Records
(e.g. Deeds, Abstracts, etc.)
Records of Payments of Judgements
Against the District
20 years
Bonds and Bond Coupons 11 years after maturity, cancellation, transfer, redemption, and/or replacement
Written Contracts 11 years
Cancelled Warrants, Check Stubs, Bank Statements, Bills, Invoices,
and Related Records
5 years
School Meal Program Accounts
and Records
3 years after submission of the
final claim for reimbursement
Program Grants As determined by the grant
Non-Payroll Personnel Records 7 years after leaving the district
Payroll Personnel Records 3 years after leaving the district
Payroll Records 3 years
Employment Applications 2 years

In the event that any federal or state agency requires a record to be retained for a period of time longer than that listed above for audit purposes or otherwise, the record will be retained beyond the listed period as long as is required for the resolution of the issue by the federal or state agency.

Current employee records are housed in the central administration office of the district. Records of employees no longer working for the district can be stored in a secure off-site location. Employee records will be maintained by the superintendent [or designee], the building administrator, immediate supervisor, human resources director, and the board secretary.

The permanent and cumulative records of students currently enrolled in the district are housed in the central administration office of the attendance center where the student attends. Permanent records will be housed in a fire resistant safe or vault or electronically with a secure backup file. The building administrator [or designee] is responsible for keeping these records current. Permanent records of students who have graduated or are no longer enrolled in the district will be housed in an appropriately safe and secure storage area or facility and will be retained permanently. These records will be maintained by the superintendent [or designee]. Special education records will be maintained in accordance with the law.

The superintendent [or designee] may digitize or otherwise electronically retain district records and may destroy paper copies of the records. An electronic record which accurately reflects the information set forth in the paper record after it was first generated in its final form as an electronic record and which remains accessible for later reference meets the same legal requirements for retention as the original paper record. 

Adopted: 6/99
Reviewed: 10/12; 12/18; 1/22
Revised: 5/15; 4/16; 8/23
Related Policy: 403.16-16R; 505.61
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 22.3; 22.7; 91A.6; 279.8; 291.6; 554D.114; 554D.119; 614.1(13); 281 IAC 12.3(4); 41.624
IASB Reference: 708