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503.12 - Contests and Honor Recognitions for Students

The following policy of the Linn-Mar School Board will govern student participation in local, state/regional, and national/international contests other than events sanctioned by the Iowa High School Association.

Participation will be limited to those contests, activities, and honor recognitions that are educationally sound, worthy, and timely. The event should be stimulating for the student and school, a desirable activity for both, and should supplement and not interfere with the regular education program. Participation is voluntary. Every effort will be made to include all eligible students in participation.

The school board recognizes that contests, activities, and honor recognitions require that potential participants demonstrate interest in and qualifications for the special events through an application process that may include audition tapes, performance videos, student work, etc. Therefore, the building principal must be consulted prior to submission of application materials to the event for feasibility and compliance with board policy.

Any participation must be approved in advance as follows:

  1. Local: building principal, 2 weeks
  2. State/Regional: building principal and associate superintendent, 4 weeks
  3. National/International: superintendent and board, 6 weeks

Upon approval by the designated administrator or school board, school funds may be used to contribute to the costs of transportation where students represent the school or district in the competition.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 5/11; 4/12; 7/13; 10/14; 1/15; 10/17; 9/20; 10/23
Revised: 6/05