- 502.1 - Student Conduct
- 502.2 - Expulsion
- 502.3 - Student Substance Use
- 502.4 - Search and Seizure
- 502.5 - Co/Extra-Curricular Conduct Policy
- 502.6 - High School Academic Eligibility for Co/Extra-Curricular Activities
- 502.7 - Corporal Punishment, Mechanical Restraint, and Prone Restraint
- 502.8 - Weapons
- 502.9 - Student Appearance
- 502.10 - Care of School Property/Vandalism
- 502.11 - Student Expression and Student Publications
- 502.12 - Student Complaints and Grievances
- 502.13 - Student Lockers
- 502.14 - Use of Physical Restraint and/or Seclusion of Students
- 502.15 - Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause Incidents of Violence