The board shall approve all structures to be erected on district facilities and/or grounds that require a building permit from a bona fide or regulatory agency. This approval must be obtained by the superintendent [or designee] prior to the structure being erected.
Structures or modifications that are proposed by employees shall follow a review process administered by the superintendent [or designee].
Because the district has a master plan for facilities, any individual or group that is not employed by the district proposing the structure, building, or grounds modification will first consult with the superintendent [or designee] to determine whether the proposed project meets the mission and strategic goals of the district. If these standards are met, then the individual or group must comply with the district’s application and review process.
The superintendent [or designee] is responsible for the development of the review process.
Adopted: 8/86
Reviewed: 11/12; 2/19; 4/22
Revised: 1/14; 5/15
Related Policy: 802.7; 901.8-R; 901.8-E
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): § 297.7