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901.8-E - Structure and Site Modifications Application


Schools or employees, PTOs, the Linn-Mar Booster Club, other non-profit organizations, or individuals who are making a proposal for buildings or sites modification, or a structure on district property, shall submit this application to the office of the Chief Financial/Operating Officer for review at least 60 days prior to the start of the proposed project. Submission prior to the last school day in December is optimum for the review process.

The following components of the application must be complete with appropriate detail before the district review of the application. Please attach the appropriate documentation with the project application and affix this page to the project application.

  1. Person/group submitting proposal;
  2. Name of school/facility or organization;
  3. Project title;
  4. Description of alignment with district mission and strategic goals;
  5. Benefit to students;
  6. Need for the project;
  7. Project location;
  8. Total project budget with detail that includes materials and labor;
  9. Building permit, if required (municipality of project location);
  10. Project funding source;
  11. Description of district support (technical, O&M, etc.) required for successful completion;
  12. Projected district costs;
  13. Project labor (e.g., contractor, volunteers, students, etc.);
  14. Project timeline;
  15. Long-term maintenance or administrative requirements including costs and responsible persons;
  16. Unique project components if any;
  17. Documentation of insurance coverage for project; and
  18. All construction plans, drawings, and materials to application.


Project/Manager Approval: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Construction Committee Review Date: ______________________________ Cabinet Review: ________________


Chief Financial/Operating Officer Approval: ____________________________________ Date: ______________

Board Summary Report Date: _________________________

Board Acceptance of Donation: ________________________

Adopted: 1/14
Reviewed: 5/15; 2/19; 4/22
Related Policy: 802.7; 901.8; 901.8-R