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203.9 - School Board Legal Counsel

The board may employ legal counsel to represent the school corporation, as necessary, for the proper conduct of the legal affairs of the school corporation.

The superintendent [or designee] will have the authority to contact the board’s legal counsel on behalf of the board when the superintendent [or designee] believes it is necessary for the management of the school district. The board president may contact and seek advice from the board’s legal counsel. The board’s legal counsel will attend both regular and special school board meetings upon the request of the board or the superintendent [or designee]. Board members may contact legal counsel upon approval of a majority of the board. It is the responsibility of each board member to pay the legal fees, if any, of an attorney the board member consulted regarding matters of the school district unless the board has authorized the board member to consult an attorney on the matter.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent [or designee] to keep the board informed of matters for which legal counsel was consulted, particularly if the legal services will involve unusual expense for the school district.

Adopted: 6/70
Reviewed: 10/11; 4/13; 9/16; 10/19; 10/22
Revised: 8/14
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): § 279.37;
IASB Reference: 207