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204.12 - School Board Records

The school board will keep and maintain permanent records of the board including, but not limited to, minutes of board meetings and other required records of the board.

It is the responsibility of the board secretary to keep the minutes of the board meetings. The minutes of each board meeting will include, at a minimum, the following items: a record of date, time, place, members present, actions taken, the vote of each member, and the schedule of bills allowed will be attached. This information will be available within two weeks of the board meeting and forwarded to the newspaper designated as the official newspaper for publication. The information does not need to be published within two weeks. The schedule of bills allowed may be published on a once-monthly basis in lieu of publication with the minutes. The permanent records of the board minutes may include more detail than is required for the publication of the minutes.

Minutes waiting approval at the next board meeting will be available for inspection after the board secretary transcribes the notes into typewritten material which has been proofread for errors and corrected.

Detailed minutes and complete recordings will be made of closed meetings of the board as required by Iowa Code. Detailed minutes and complete recordings of closed meetings that are exempt from the provisions of Iowa Code will be made when deemed necessary by the board. Detailed minutes will include a synopsis of the discussion, the people present, and any action occurring during the closed session. The board secretary will be custodian of the detailed minutes and recordings which will be maintained in a securely locked depository separate from the regular board minutes for a period of one year; after which they will immediately and routinely be destroyed (recordings will be erased). The minutes and recordings will only be opened upon court order in an action to enforce the requirements of the open meetings law.

Detailed minutes and recordings of closed sessions held under the purchase of real estate exception to open meetings must be made available for public examination when the transaction discussed is completed. There will be separate, detailed minutes and recordings for each real estate transaction.

Adopted: 3/79
Reviewed: 4/13; 10/22
Revised: 8/14; 9/16; 10/19
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21; 22; 279.8, .35-36; 291.6-7; 618.3; 281 IAC 12.3(1)
IASB Reference: 215
Mandatory Policy