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Communications & Media Relations

Members of the community may contact individual board members or the entire board via email (Click here to email board). Per its operating procedures manual, the primary response will most likely come from the superintendent or board president on behalf of the entire board. Individual board members may or may not respond to individual emails, which is a personal choice. 

The overall consensus of the board is to allow the district contact most directly related to an issue to provide a detailed response rather than seven responses redirecting to the primary contact. While you may not receive a direct response from all board members, all members are committed to reading all community correspondence submitted with respect. Communications containing derogatory language will not be provided a response.

The best way to communicate with the district is to follow the chain of command, beginning with the staff member most directly related to your question or concern and then proceeding to their immediate supervisor and so forth. (Reference: LMCSD Chain of Command/Communications Chart)

Media Relations
Members of the news media are encouraged and welcome to attend open board meetings. The board president is the spokesperson for the board and the superintendent is the spokesperson for the district. While it is the responsibility of the board president and the superintendent to respond to inquiries from the media about the district, all media inquiries must originate with the communications/media coordinator. For more information see Policy 1001.2 News and Media Relations.

Executive Director of Communications
Renee Nelson: 319-447-3005

Public Records Requests

Per Policy 1001.8 Public Examination of District Records, persons wishing to view public records of the Linn-Mar Community School District should contact the communications department to make arrangements for viewing, or to submit a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The communications department will offer arrangements for viewing the requested records as soon as practicable, depending on the nature of the request. Persons requesting copies of public records may make their request in writing, by phone, or electronically.

Executive Director of Communications
Renee Nelson: 319-447-3005
 / Email