The Linn-Mar Board of Directors will host their next meeting on Monday, March 31st beginning at 5:00 PM in the boardroom of the Educational Leadership Center (3556 Winslow Road, Marion).
There will be a special session following the regular meeting beginning at 6:30 PM for a public hearing on the proposed property tax levy notifications. The special session will not be livestreamed.
Agendas, exhibits, and livestream links are posted the Friday prior to each board meeting.
Audience Attendance Options:
YouTube Livestream: A link for the 5:00 PM meeting will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting.
In-Person Attendance: Park in the main lot and enter via the front door of the building.
Audience Communications During Regular Meetings:
Anyone wishing to speak should sign themselves in by 5:00 PM. The sign in sheet is located on the table just inside the door and it requests the speaker’s full name, relationship to district, and topic of communication. The presiding officer will use this list to call each speaker up to the microphone in order of sign in.
(Reference: Click here for more information on addressing the Board of Directors)
Reminder: Procedure is that those attending a board meeting as audience should not approach the board table before, during, or after meetings for private conversations.