Members of the news media are encouraged and welcome to attend open board meetings. The board president is the spokesperson for the board and the superintendent is the spokesperson for the district. It is the responsibility of the board president and the superintendent to respond to inquiries from the news media about the district. Members of the news media seeking information about the district will direct their inquiries to the superintendent [or designee]. The superintendent [or designee] will accurately and objectively provide the facts and board position in response to inquiries from the news media about the district.
Press Releases: The superintendent [or designee] will determine when a press release about district or board matters will be issued and the format in which it is issued. Press releases will be accurate and objective with the purpose of creating or maintaining a positive image for the district. Approval of the press release prior to issue is the responsibility of the superintendent [or designee]. Questions about press releases should be directed to the superintendent [or designee].
Press Conference and Interviews: The superintendent [or designee] may hold a press conference or respond to a request for an interview with the media on behalf of the district or board. Press conferences and interviews planned or pre-arranged for district or school activities will include the superintendent [or designee]. It is within the discretion of the superintendent to determine whether a press conference or interview will be held to provide a timely response to either a media request or in response to a district issue.
Live Broadcast or Video of School or District Events: Media or individuals may broadcast or videotape public school or district events, including open board meetings, as long as the process or people do not interfere with or disrupt the school or district event and the broadcast or video does not create an undue burden on adaptation of the building or site to accommodate the request. All copyright requirements and privacy rights must be followed. The superintendent [or designee] will determine whether the individual or media presence will interfere with or disrupt the school or district event.
The media or individual will request permission to photograph, videotape, or broadcast in a specific school or district facility during hours of operation. Media or individual presence in a classroom for the purpose of featuring selected programs or practices may be approved provided that the presence does not disrupt the normal operation of the classroom or service, and the purpose for the broadcast or video is to advance the mission of the district. Requests for photography, video, or broadcasting in school and district facilities should be made to the Executive Director of Communications. Requests may be denied because of insufficient time or reasonableness.
The superintendent is responsible for developing guidelines and procedures for press releases, press conferences, interviews, broadcast and video, and any other requests from media for information about school and district events.
Adopted: 3/00
Reviewed: 4/14; 6/15; 7/19; 7/22
Revised: 1/13
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 21.4; 22; 279.8
IASB Reference: 902.01