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1001.4 - Distribution of Materials

The board recognizes that students, employees, parents, or citizens may want to distribute hard copy or electronic materials within the district that are noncurricular. Noncurricular materials to be distributed must be approved by the superintendent [or designee] and follow the guidelines included in Policy 1001.4-R prior to their distribution, including informational or promotional materials for the virtual/digital backpack.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent in conjunction with the building principals to draft administrative regulations regarding this policy.

Adopted: 9/98
Reviewed: 3/13; 7/19
Revised: 4/14; 6/15; 7/22
Related Policy: 1001.4-R
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 279.8; 280.22;
US Const. Amend I
IASB Reference: 903.05