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505.52 - Child and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting by Licensed Personnel

It is the policy of the Board of Directors in compliance with the Code of Iowa to provide for the greatest possible protection of victims of child and dependent adult abuse and to encourage immediate reporting of suspected cases directly to the Department of Human Services.

The administration will develop reporting procedures that comply with legal requirements and will instruct members of the professional staff of their obligations in regard to reporting child and dependent adult abuse.

All licensed school employees, teachers, coaches, school nurses, paraeducators, and all school employees 18 years of age or older are required to orally report any suspected cases of child and dependent adult abuse to the Department of Human Services within 24 hours of observation, followed up by a written report within 48 hours of the oral report. Reports must be made by all observers and not a third party.

Adopted: 7/79
Reviewed: 4/11; 4/12; 7/13; 10/14; 12/20
Revised: 8/02; 11/17; 10/23
Related Policy: 505.52-R
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): §§ 232.67-77; 232A; 235A; 280.17; 441 IAC 9.2, 155, 175
IASB Reference: 402.02-03