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902.11 - Asbestos Containing Materials

Friable and non-friable asbestos containing materials will be maintained in good condition and appropriate precautions will be followed when the material is disturbed. If there is a need to replace asbestos, it will be replaced with non-asbestos materials.

The district will maintain a copy of the asbestos management plan.

The district will annually notify, appoint, and train appropriate employees as necessary for asbestos management and containment.

Adopted: 6/09
Reviewed: 11/12; 1/14; 2/19; 4/22
Revised: 5/15
Related Policy: 403.4; 802; 902.1
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): 20 USC 3601 et seq; 40 CFR Pt 763.84; 279.52-54
IASB Reference: 804.04