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902.12 District Operations During Public Emergencies

The district believes that student learning is the heart of its core mission. While traditional in-person teaching continues to provide the greatest learning opportunity to all students, there may be rare and unusual circumstances that prevent the school community from convening in traditional in-person settings. At times of a public emergency declared by federal, state, or local officials, the district will seek guidance and recommendations from federal, state, and local agencies to assist in determining the safety of convening traditional in-person learning. The superintendent will consult with and report to the board, as feasible and appropriate, regarding an emergency closure and efforts to implement written guidance from health and government agencies.

During a declared public emergency, the board delegates to the superintendent the authority to determine whether to close school buildings to traditional in-person learning without further action by the board. If the superintendent determines in-person learning would hinder the health and safety of the school community, the district will instead utilize remote or hybrid learning opportunities permitted by law.

Following guidance and recommendations from federal, state, and local agencies when reasonably possible, the administration will create regulations related to district operations during a public emergency including but not limited to student, employee, and visitor safety and security; the use and safeguarding of district property; public meetings and events; and, when applicable, measures to prevent or slow the spread of infectious disease.

These measures will be enforced for the period of time of the public emergency or until the superintendent and board, in consultation with federal, state, and local agencies determine it is appropriate for the safety measures to end.

Adopted: 9/20
Reviewed: 4/22
Related Policy: 602.1; 603.12; 603.12-R1-R2; 603.12-E1; 603.13; 603.13-R; 603.15; 902.12-R
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): § 279.8; SF 2310; 
IASB Reference: 907