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104.2 - Section 504 Compliance

It is the policy of the Board of Directors of the Linn-Mar Community School District not to discriminate against any otherwise qualified individual with a disability solely by reason of their disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, any program or activity sponsored by this school district.

Inquiries regarding compliance with this policy should be directed to the district’s Section 504 coordinator.

Linn-Mar CSD Section 504 Coordinator:
Megan Brunscheen
Associate Director of Student Services
Address: 3556 Winslow Road, Marion, Iowa 52302
Phone: 319-447-3359
Fax: 319-403-8002


Inquiries can also be directed to:
Office for Civil Rights - US Department of Education
John C. Kluczynski Federal Building
Address: 230 S Dearborn St, 37th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 312-730-1560

Adopted: 1973
Reviewed: 4/13; 5/14; 9/16; 6/20; 3/23
Revised: 9/10; 10/11; 10/23; 9/24
Related Policy: 104.2-E
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): 216.6; 216.9; 256.11; 280.3; 281 IAC 12