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104.3 Prohibition of Discrimination and/or Harassment Based on Sex Per Title IX

In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, the Linn-Mar Community School District prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual harassment as defined by the regulations implementing Title IX (34 CFR § 106.30), against any individual participating in any education program or activity of the district. This prohibition on discrimination applies to students, employees, and applicants for employment.

The school board authorizes the superintendent to adopt procedures for any individual to report sexual harassment to the district’s Title IX coordinator(s) for the provision of supportive measures to anyone who has been subjected to sexual harassment whether or not they proceed with a formal complaint under these procedures and for the investigation and resolution of such complaints as required by Title IX. The Title IX grievance process will be used to respond to all complaints of sexual harassment that fall within the scope of Title IX. For complaints of sexual harassment that do not fall within the scope of Title IX, the district may still offer supportive measures to the subject of such conduct and will apply any other policy or procedure applicable to the alleged conduct.

Any individual with questions about the district’s Title IX policy and/or procedures or who would like to make a report or file a formal complaint of sex discrimination or sexual harassment may contact the district’s designated Title IX coordinator(s):

Title IX Coordinator:
Karla Christian, Chief Human Resources Officer
319-447-3036 /

Title IX Deputy Coordinator:
Nathan Wear, Associate Superintendent
319-447-3028 /

Address: 2999 N 10th Street, Marion, IA 52302
Fax: 319-377-9252

Retaliation against a person who made a report or complaint of sexual harassment and/or assisted with or participated in an investigation or resolution of a sexual harassment report or complaint in any manner is strictly prohibited. Retaliation includes threats, coercion, discrimination, intimidation, reprisals, and/r adverse actions related to employment or education. Any individual who believes they have been retaliated against in violation of this policy should immediately contact the district’s Title IX coordinator(s) listed above.

Adopted: 9/20
Reviewed: 3/23
Revised: 10/23
Related Policy: 103 Series; 104 Series
IASB Reference: 106
Mandatory Policy