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603.14 - Use of Information Resources

In order for students to experience a diverse curriculum, the board encourages employees to supplement regular curricular materials with other resources. In so doing, the board recognizes that federal laws make it illegal to duplicate copyrighted materials without authorization of the holder of the copyright, except for certain exempt purposes. Severe penalties may be imposed for plagiarism and unauthorized copying of or use of media, including but not limited to, print, electronic, and web-based materials, unless the copying or use conforms to "fair use" doctrine. Under the "fair use" doctrine, unauthorized reproduction of copyrighted materials is permissible for such purposes as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research providing that all fair use guidelines are met.

While the district encourages employees to enrich the learning programs by making proper use of supplementary materials, it is the responsibility of employees to abide by the school district’s copying procedures and obey the requirements of law. In no circumstances shall it be necessary for school district staff to violate copyright requirements in order to perform their duties properly. The school district will not be responsible for any violations of copyright law by employees or students. Violation of copyright law by employees may result in discipline, up to and including, termination. Violation of copyright law by students may result in discipline, up to and including, suspension or expulsion.

Parents or others who wish to record, by any means, school programs or other activities need to realize that even though the school district received permission to perform a copyrighted work, it does not mean outsiders can copy it and replay it. Those who wish to do so should contact the employee in charge of the activity to determine what the process is to ensure the copyright law is followed. The school district is not responsible for outsiders violating copyright law or this policy.

Any employee or student who is uncertain as to whether reproducing or using copyrighted material complies with the school district procedures or is permissible under the law should contact their building’s media specialist who will assist them in obtaining proper authorization to copy or use protected materials when such authorization is required.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent [or designee] in conjunction with the media specialists to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.

Adopted: 7/07
Reviewed: 7/11; 9/12; 9/13; 2/15; 4/18; 6/21
Revised: 1/10; 2/24
Related Policy: 603.14-R
Legal Reference (Code of Iowa): 17 USC § 101 et al; 281 IAC 12.3(12)
IASB Reference: 605.07